A Go interface for communicating over the signal messenger with the help of AsamK/signal-cli.
There are currently some limitations when using the dbus connection method, as the dbus implementation of signal-cli is still experimental. Those are e.g.:
- Registered as normal messages without any text:
- Remote delete messages
- Group changes
- Setting registration pin is not supported
- ...
One should use the CLI connection method if those information and features are required.
Get this package with
go get gopkg.in/DerLukas15/signalgo.v0
Import this package with
import "github.com/DerLukas15/signalgo"
Run signal-cli as a deamon.
Create a struct which satisfies the Event interface:
type eventHandler struct {}
func (eH *eventHandler) OnMessage(source, message string, attachments []string, messagetimestamp int64) error {
fmt.Println("Got Message ", message, " (", messagetimestamp, ") from ", source, " with attachments ", attachments)
return nil
func (eH *eventHandler) OnMessageRead(source string, messagetimestamp int64) error {
fmt.Println("Message from ", source, " with timestamp ", messagetimestamp, " has been received")
return nil
Now Initialize the package with the eventHandler and everything should work if the signal-cli is installed correctly.
func main() {
eventHandler := &eventHandler{}
conn, err := signalgo.NewDBus(true, eventHandler)
if err != nil {
if conn == nil {
panic(errors.New("No connection"))
for {
See GoDoc for examples.