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A Next.js application that uses Twilio Authy for 2FA

  • To run the application, clone the twilio-authy-starter branch of this repository in a directory of your choice using the command below:

    git clone
  • After cloning, run npm install to install all the dependencies needed

    npm install
  • Some environment variables are needed for the project to run, create a .env file in the root directory of your project. Fill it with these details

    JWT_SECRET=<JWT Secret Keys>
    accountSid=<Twilio Account SID>
    authToken=<Twilio Auth Token>
    serviceSid=<Authy Service SID>
  • Finally run the dev command to start the application using this command

    npm run dev
  • For deploying to production, after the deployment, update the next.config file with your production URL. If not, you might have issues running the app on production environment.

    /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
    const nextConfig = {
     reactStrictMode: true,
     serverRuntimeConfig: {},
     publicRuntimeConfig: {
       process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
        ? 'http://localhost:3000/api' // development api
        : '<your-production-url>/api', // production api
    module.exports = nextConfig;

Credits for this boilerplate go to Jason Watmore