Desmotes project uses Ansible automation tool.
This git project constitutes the provisioning repository of the master node. Provisioning project installs the appropriate software to the master node.
More specifically, this project installs the following parts.
- Desmotes User / Group
- Build essential
- Ruby
- NodeJS
Initially, you have to create a .vault_pass file with the password (plain text) in the Provisioning root folder
echo "text" > .vault_pass
After that you have to create the pass.yml file using vault mechanism. Don't forget to pass in the creation of the folder the same password like .vault_pass file.
ansible-vault create vars/pass.yml
Secondly, you have to copy your rsa keys for desmotes user.
mkdrir -p ProvisioningMasterNode/keys
cp <> ProvisioningMasterNode/keys/
Finally, run the following command
ansible-playbook --limit="all" --inventory-file=ProvisioningMasterNode/master_local -v --vault-password-file=ProvisioningMasterNode/.vault_pass ProvisioningMasterNode/master_node.yml