🗔 Check out the app: https://trips-app-dev.vercel.app/
This project is an application designed to facilitate trip reservations. Users can log in using social login via Google, browse a list of available trips, view trip details, simulate a purchase of a trip, and see their reservations.
- 🔒 Social Login: Users can log in to the application using their Google accounts, providing a seamless and secure authentication process.
- 🌍 Trip Listing: The app displays a comprehensive list of available trips, allowing users to explore different options.
- ℹ️ Trip Details: Users can view detailed information about each trip, including descriptions, pricing, dates, and any other relevant details.
- 💳 Simulation Purchase: The application provides a simulation feature that enables users to experience the purchase process for a trip without actually making a payment. This allows users to understand the booking flow and make informed decisions.
- 📅 Reservation History: Users can easily access their reservation history, which includes a record of all the trips they have booked.
The site has a total of 6 page(s), which are:
- /: Home page with list of trips and login user.
- /trips/[id]: A page with trip details.
- /trips/[id]/confirmation: A page with trip details and confirmation to reservation.
- /checkout/stripe: A page with payment process.
- /my-trips: A page with all reservations trips.
🗔 Check out the design: https://www.figma.com/file/vJ00mLP5HcoBD9IXGuS8OH/FSW-Project-%5BLive%5D-(Copy)?type=design&node-id=194%3A1733&mode=design&t=HmS88HpEUudIOuMT-1
- Nextjs
- Next Auth
- Prisma
- Stripe
- Typescript
- Date-fns
- React Hook Form
- React Toastify
- Tailwind CSS
- React Icons
- React Country Flag
- React Datepicker
- React Currency Input Field
Before starting, you need to have Git and Node installed.
# Clone this project
$ git clone https://github.com/Dev-Pedrosv/trips-app.git
# access
$ cd trips-app
# install dependencies
$ yarn or npm
# Run the project
$ yarn dev or npm run dev
# The server will initialize in the <http://localhost:3000>
Thanks to the following people who contributed to this project:
Pedro Silva |
This project is under license. See the LICENSE file for more details.