This repository consists of some explorational work done on LeNet and DCGAN. More details for each section can be found in the README files of the folders themselves.
- The markdown file contains a systematic approach to modelling a deep convolutional SNN.
- The Images folder contains Reference images and comparisons to past work.
- Contains the main notebook LeNet_75%, in which I have trained on the CIFAR10 dataset.
- Contains the DCGAN notebook, in which I have trained an adversarial net on the CIFAR10 dataset.
- Contains the EfNet-B0 notebook, in which I retrained a pretrained model (EfficientNet-B0) on the CIFAR10 dataset, to label images generated by the GAN generator.
- Contains the MNIST notebook, in which I tested data augmentation techniques using the MNIST dataset.
- Contains, which has 1500(due to size limitations) of the 20000 images generated by the GAN.
- Contains a GAN images folder which shows the progression of the Generated images at 8 different times during training.
- Contains the benchmarking results for the numerous tests I performed on LeNet_75% training.
- Lastly, for reproducibility, I have kept manual seeds, and all the .pth files can also be found in the folder.
- Contains the main notebook NLP_Reddit, in which I have implemented the RNN Network (LSTM) and it's results.