Please read the blog post for details about this sample.
Download and run our Unified Component Installer or add your personal DevExpress NuGet feed URL to Visual Studio NuGet feeds.
We recommend that you select all products when you run the DevExpress installer. Doing so will register local NuGet package sources files and item/project templates. You can uninstall unnecessary components at a later time.
Open NetCoreServiceAll.sln. Register a DevExpress NuGet feed in the Visual Studio IDE. Skip this step if you have already registered your DevExpress NuGet feed.
Restore NuGet packages in the solution:
Run the DataService project. Right-click DataService in the Solution Explorer and select Debug | Start New Instance in the menu. Your default web browser will open.
Do not close the web browser.
To initialize sample data when you run the service for the first time, navigate to
in the open web browser. You will see the following message: "Data populated successfully". -
Run the WinForms.Client project. Right-click WinForms.Client in the Solution Explorer and select Debug | Start New Instance in the menu.
You can scroll to the end of the data list in the grid and observe more data being loaded. You can sort by clicking column headers. The Output tool window within Visual Studio will display information about load status from both running processes. The animation below displays results:
The backend project is called DataService and it was created using the standard ASP.NET Core WebAPI template. There are two endpoint handlers in the service, one to generate some test data and the other to query data.
The second handler, at the URL /data/OrderItems, accepts several optional parameters (to support skip
, take
, and sort
features). The code queries data from the Entity Framework Core database context and uses standard IQueryable<T>
based helpers to implement data shaping functionality. The TotalCount
field is returned together with data and is used on the client side to determine the total amount of data available for the request.
app.MapGet("/data/OrderItems", async (
DataServiceDbContext dbContext,
int skip = 0, int take = 20,
string sortField = "Id", bool sortAscending = true) =>
var source =
.OrderBy(sortField + (sortAscending ? " ascending" : " descending"));
var items = await source.Skip(skip).Take(take).ToListAsync();
var totalCount = await dbContext.OrderItems.CountAsync();
return Results.Ok(new
Items = items,
TotalCount = totalCount
In the MainForm
of the Windows Forms application, the DevExpress GridControl control is bound to a VirtualServerModeSource
instance (a collection of OrderItem
objects). To fetch data, the VirtualServerModeSource handles the following events:
- Fires when the grid changes relevant parts of its runtime configuration in response to user interaction (for example, when the user clicks a column header to apply sort operations).MoreRows
- Fires when an initial fetch operation returns a result, which indicates that more data is available. In this instance, the grid attempts to retrieve additional data rows if and when the user scrolls to the bottom of the currently loaded data set.
In this example, the data loaded from the backend is encoded as JSON. DataFetchResult
models the structure of the response provided by the backend endpoint, including the TotalCount
public class DataFetchResult {
public List<OrderItem> Items { get; set; } = null!;
public int TotalCount { get; set; }
The GetRowsAsync
method handles retrieved data. The method is invoked during the initial load (from the ConfigurationChanged
handler) and subsequent loads (from the MoreRows
handler). Data is fetched using HttpClient
, with skip, take, and sorting properties passed as URL parameters. The results are deserialized from JSON and returned along with the moreRowsAvailable
public Task<VirtualServerModeRowsTaskResult>
GetRowsAsync(VirtualServerModeRowsEventArgs e)
return Task.Run(async () =>
using var client = new HttpClient();
var response = await client.GetAsync(
var responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var dataFetchResult =
responseBody, new JsonSerializerOptions
PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true
if (dataFetchResult is null)
return new VirtualServerModeRowsTaskResult();
var moreRowsAvailable =
e.CurrentRowCount + dataFetchResult.Items.Count < dataFetchResult.TotalCount;
return new VirtualServerModeRowsTaskResult(
dataFetchResult.Items, moreRowsAvailable);
}, e.CancellationToken);
- Connect the DevExpress WinForms Data Grid to a .NET Core Service and Enable Data Editing
- Connect a WinForms Data Grid to an ASP.NET Core WebAPI Service Powered by EF Core — Authenticate Users and Protect Data
- Connect the DevExpress WinForms Data Grid to a Backend using a Middle Tier Server (EF Core without OData)
(you will be redirected to to submit your response)