The example contains the source code of the scripts created in the step-by-step Custom Item tutorials.
This example uses a client-server architecture. The server (backend) project communicates with the client (frontend) application that includes all the necessary styles, scripts and HTML templates. Note that the script version on the client must match the version of libraries on the server.
- The asp-net-core-server folder contains the backend project built with .NET Core 8.
- The dashboard-react-app folder contains the client application built with React.
View Tutorial: Create a Static Custom Item
View Script: HelloWorldItem.js
The script contains a HelloWorld static custom item with a custom property that allows you to change the static text.
View Tutorial: Create a Data-Aware Custom Item
View Script: DataAwareItem.js
This script contains a data-aware custom item that displays formatted dimension values and allows users to color these values.
View Tutorial: Create a Data-Aware Item based on an External Visualization Widget
View Script: FunnelChartItem.js
This script contains a more "real-world" custom item that uses an external visualization widget. In this example, it is the dxFunnel widget that can show values across multiple stages in a process. This widget supports data binding, master filtering, and coloring.
In the asp-net-core-server folder, run the following command:
dotnet run
The server starts at http://localhost:5000
and the client gets data from http://localhost:5000/api/dashboard
. To debug the server, run the asp-net-core-server application in Visual Studio and change the client's endpoint
property according to the listening port: https://localhost:44367/api/dashboard
See the following section for information on how to install NuGet packages from the DevExpress NuGet feed: Install DevExpress Controls Using NuGet Packages.
This server allows CORS requests from all origins with any scheme (http or https). This default configuration is insecure: any website can make cross-origin requests to the app. We recommend that you specify the client application's URL to prohibit other clients from accessing sensitive information stored on the server. Learn more: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
In the dashboard-react-app folder, run the following commands:
npm install
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000/
in your browser to see the result.
- Dashboard for ASP.NET Core - Custom Item Tutorials
- Dashboard for ASP.NET Core - Custom Item Gallery
- Dashboard for Angular - Custom Properties
(you will be redirected to to submit your response)