- Table of contents
- Overal architecture
- Project structure
- Getting Started
- On-premise deployment
- Cloud migration
├── ansible/ # Ansible configurations for GCE
│ └── ...
├── Backend/ # Backend service
│ ├── account/
│ ├── manage.py
│ ├── requirements.txt
│ ├── services/
│ ├── setup.sh
│ └── txt2img/
├── Frontend/ # Frontend service
│ ├── app/
│ ├── next.config.js
│ ├── package.json
│ └── ...
├── deployment/ # Deployment configurations
│ ├── jenkins/ # Jenkins deployment
│ ├── model_predictor/ # Model predictor deployment
│ └── ...
├── helm/ # Helm charts
│ ├── grafana-prometheus/ # Monitoring stack
│ ├── nginx-ingress/ # Ingress controller
│ └── txt2img/ # Application chart
├── Model/ # ML model files
├── terraform/ # Infrastructure as Code
│ ├── main.tf
│ ├── variables.tf
│ └── output.tf
├── scripts/ # Utility scripts
├── Jenkinsfile # CI/CD pipeline
├── Makefile # Build automation
└── README.md # Documentation
To get started with this project, we will need to do the following
Clone the repository to your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/DevOps-NT548/TextToImage.git
Install all dependencies dedicated to the project
conda create -n nt548 python=<python_version> # Here I used version 3.9.18
conda activate nt548
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Build and run the Docker image using the following command
make app_local_up
Navigating deployement model using localhost:3000
on your host machine
Deploying your ML application on-premises imposes various constraints and limitations, hindering scalability, flexibility and security as well. However, migrating your ML application to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers a strategic advantage, enabling to leverage scalable infrastructure, advanced analytics, and managed services tailored for machine learning workflows.
To migrate our application service to the cloud using Google Cloud Platform (GCP), we'll start by enabling the Kubernetes Engine API as shown below:
First we need to create a project in GCP
gclound CLI can be installed in the following document
Initialize gclound CLI, then type Y
gcloud init
A pop-up will prompt us to select your Google account. Select the account associated with your GCP registration and click
. -
Go back to your terminal, in which you typed
gcloud init
, type 1, and Enter. -
Then type Y, select the GCE zone corresponding to us-central-1a (in my case), then Enter.
In the next step, we'll install the GKE Cloud Authentication Plugin for the gcloud CLI tool. This plugin facilitates authentication with GKE clusters using the gcloud cli.
We can install the plugin using the following command:
sudo apt-get install google-cloud-cli-gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
This command will install the necessary plugin for authenticating with GKE clusters.
Terraform is a powerful infrastructure as code tool that allows us to define and provision infrastructure in a declarative manner. It helps to facilitate to automate the creation, modification, and deletion of infrastructure resources across various cloud providers.
To provision a GKE cluster using Terraform, follow these steps:
- We should update the invidual project ID, the corresponding GKE zone and its node machine. In my case, a gke cluster will be deployed in zone
with its node machine is:
cd terraform
terraform init # Initialize Terraform in the directory
terraform plan # Plan the configuration
terraform apply # Apply the configuration to create the GKE cluster
- A created cluster will be pop up in GKE UI (after 8 to 10 minutes)
- connect to gke cluster using
gcloud cli
gcloud container clusters get-credentials linen-walker-444306-k9-gke --zone us-central1-a --project linen-walker-444306-k9
- To view your highlighted cluster ID in the terminal, you can use the
Ensure that we have these tools to manage k8s cluster
What are kubectx and kubens?
- kubectx is a tool to switch between contexts (clusters) on kubectl faster.
- kubens is a tool to switch between Kubernetes namespaces (and configure them for kubectl) easily.
To install these tools, follow the instructions provided in the following section: https://github.com/ahmetb/kubectx#manual-installation-macos-and-linux.
In my case kubens and kubectl cli were saved in usr/local/bin/
An Ingress controller is a specialized load balancer for k8s enviroment, which accept traffic from outside the k8s platform, and load balance it to application containers running inside the platform.
Deploy Nginx ingress controller in corresponding name space in following commands:
cd helm/nginx-ingress
kubectl create ns nginx-ingress # Create a K8s namespace nginx-ingress
kubens nginx-ingress # switch the context to the newly created namespace 'nginx-ingress'
helm upgrade --install nginx-ingress-controller . # Deploy nginx Ingress
Verify if the pod running in the specified namespace nginx-ingress
kubectl get pods -n nginx-ingress
I decided to deploy the application container on GKE within the model-serving namespace. Two replicas will be created, corresponding to the two pods.
- First, create configmap:
kubectl create secret generic txt2img-credentials \
--from-file=namsee_key.json=/path/to/your_service_account_key.json \
--from-literal=CREDENTIAL_JSON_FILE_NAME="/app/credentials/your_service_account.json" \
--from-literal=STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME="" \
--from-literal=SECRET_KEY="" \
--from-literal=DATABASE_ENGINE="" \
--from-literal=DATABASE_NAME="" \
--from-literal=DATABASE_USER="" \
--from-literal=DATABASE_PASSWORD="" \
--from-literal=DATABASE_HOST="" \
--from-literal=DATABASE_PORT="" \
--from-literal=NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL="" \
- Then, deploy txt2img app:
cd helm/txt2img
kubectl create ns model-serving
kubens model-serving
helm upgrade --install txt2img .
- After that, run scripts/update_backend_ip_on_k8s.sh
cd scripts
chmod +x update_backend_ip_on_k8s.sh
- Get IP address of nginx-ingress
kubectl get ing
- Add the domain name
of this IP to/etc/hosts
where the hostnames are mapped to IP addresses.
Alternatively, you can utilize the wildcard DNS service provided by *.nip.io, eliminating the need to manually edit the /etc/hosts
file. This service allows you to access your service using a domain name based on the IP address. For example, if your IP address is
, you can access your service using 192-168-1-100.nip.io
sudo nano /etc/hosts
[INGRESS_IP_ADDRESS] txt2img.com
cd helm/grafana-prometheus/kube-prometheus-stack/
kubectl create ns monitoring
kubens monitoring
helm dependcy build
helm upgrade --install kube-grafana-prometheus .
- Check if pods are running within a namespace in Kubernetes, you can use the kubectl in monitoring namespace:
kubectl get pods -n monitoring
- Add all the services of this external IP to
, including:
sudo nano /etc/hosts
[INGRESS_IP_ADDRESS] grafana.monitoring.com
[INGRESS_IP_ADDRESS] promeutheus.monitoring.com
[INGRESS_IP_ADDRESS] alertmanager.monitoring.com
To get grafana credentails, you could launch the following command to access the enviroment variable from the container, for example:
kubectl exec kube-grafana-prometheus-d5c9d4696-z6487 -- env | grep ADMIN
When I describe the pod, it states the ENV variable will be set from the secret:
GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_USER: <set to the key 'admin-user' in secret 'kube-prometheus-stack-grafana'> Optional: false
GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD: <set to the key 'admin-password' in secret 'kube-prometheus-stack-grafana'> Optional: false
Now, we would like to set up a CI/CD with Jenkins on Google Compute Engine(GCE), the objective is to establish a streamlined and automated process for Continuous Delivery of Machine Learning application.
We use Ansible to define and deploy the infrastructure such as virutal machine to deploy Jenkins on GCE.
Access to Service accounts and select Compute Admin role (Full control of all Compute Engine resources) for your account.
Generate and download new key as json file. Remind that we need to keeps this file safely. Put your credentials in the folder ansible/secrets, which is used to connect GCE.
We should update project ID and service_account_file in ansible/deploy_jenkins/create_compute_instance.yaml
- First, create virtual env:
cd ansible
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod 600 secrets/namsee_key.json
- Execute the playbook to create the Compute Engine instance:
cd playbook_with_jenkins
ansible-playbook create_compute_instance.yaml
Deploy our custom Jenkins (which use custom image from the folder deployment/jenkins
) in following steps:
- Update the external IP of newly created instance to
cd ansible/playbook_with_jenkins
ansible-playbook -i ../inventory deploy_jenkins.yml
- Access to the instance via ssh command in terminal :
ssh user_name@external_IP
For unlock Jenkins, copy password from terminal and paste into web browser:
sudo docker ps # check if the Jenkins container is running
sudo docker logs jenkins
- Type
skip and continue as admin
andsave and Continue
. So to log in, I use the usernameadmin
as the the username.
- Add Jenkins url to webhooks in github repo:
Create a new multibranch project.
Go to that project -> configure. Under branch sources section, create a new "github" source.
Create 2 new credentials with 'Username and password' option (one for github, one for docker)
Use the github credential for the source
Add your github repository's url to the source and then save.
- Install the Kurbenestes, Docker, DockerPipeline, GCLOUD SDK plugins at
Manage Jenkins/Plugins
then restart jenkins after complete installation
sudo docker restart jenkins
Go to manage jenkins -> cloud -> create cloud.
Run this CLI command in your terminal to get kubernetes's API url
kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.clusters[?(@.name == "gke_linen-walker-444306-k9_us-central1-a_linen-walker-444306-k9-gke")].cluster.server}'
Paste that url into the kubernetes's URL section: https://<kubernetes's URL> (no port)
Check "Disable https certificate check"
Create a new credential with 'Service account from private key' option.
Use the credential you just created, then click "Test connection" to verify connection. If connection is successful, click save.
To allow Jenkins to deploy to GKE, we need to create a service account in GKE and give it the necessary permissions.
kubectl create serviceaccount jenkins-sa -n model-serving
kubectl apply -f jenkins_sa/role.yaml
kubectl apply -f jenkins_sa/role_binding.yaml
The CI/CD pipleine consist the three stages:
- Test model correctness, unit test cases dedicated to source code.
- Building the application image, and register it into DockerHub.
- Deploy the application with latest image from DockerHub to GKE cluster.
An overview of success build pipeline in jenkins:
To explore the text to image app, you can access http://txt2img.com/. This endpoint will redirect you to the application service running on GKE.
For monitoring the resource quotas across namespaces within our Kubernetes cluster, Grafana provides an intuitive interface accessible via grafana.monitoring.com. This dashboard offers insights into resource utilization, including CPU, memory, and more, for each pod within the cluster.
Moreover, we've implemented a custom dashboard in Grafana to monitor specific resource metrics, such as CPU usage, for pods within the model-serving
namespace. This provides targeted insights into the performance of critical components within our infrastructure.
- Integrate ArgoCD for continuous deployment
- Fixed alertmanager issue
- Refactor the codebase