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Tour De Bangladesh is a website for a travel guide who gives the service of s travel guide around Bangladesh. Who loves to guide his tour partners to extra ordinary places with great enjoyment.
- Signin user
- Register new user
- Logout user
- Password Reset
- Login with Google, Facebook, Github accounts
- Courses images slider with splider.js on the top of the website
- There are 3 services on home page and more services in main services page. The services will be sorted as desending order by time
- When ever a user click on the service image thte service image will be on full screen mode.
- A user can post reviews on any specific service and it will show on the service live and will also show it on users My Reviews page. On the specific service the reviews will also be sorted as desending order by time.
- A user can change his review about a service on myreview page
- User can also delete his review and it will be deleted from everywhere
- when a user change the route of this website the title of the website will also change as its page name
- Envireonment variable are used to hide the secret informations
- A complex footer is beign used in the bottom of the page . It inclued some navigation of courses and main menus. There is also a logo and social icons
- A blog page is there for some blogs
- For main website React is being used
- react-router-dom is used for navigation
- React icons is used for icons
- splider.js is used for all sliders
- For css librarie used Tailwind css and for component librarie Flowbite is beign used
- For Authentication and Hosting Firebase is used
- For Server side hosting is used
- Images are hosted in