Multiple algorithms I've wrote on top of my study routine, in order to solve or help demonstrate different branches of general problems, using computer science.
Reading the internal source code documentation is advised.
$ gcc analyticDecompositionV.c -lm -oanalyticDecompositionV
$ ./analyticDecompositionV compose 30 40
$ ./analyticDecompositionV decompose 130 67.5
$ gcc primeFactorDecomposition.c -lm -oprimeFactorDecomposition
$ ./primeFactorDecomposition 770
$ gcc generateMegaSena.c -ogenerateMegaSena
$ ./generateMegaSena 6 60
$ gcc xor_swap.c -lm -oxor_swap
$ ./xor_swap 8 80
$ g++ bit_shift.cpp -obit_shift
$ ./bit_shift
$ g++ squareDigitSum.cpp -osquareDigitSum
$ ./squareDigitSum
Run Processing, open the source file and debug. Any keyPressed
signal while window is focused
should update the cellular automata.
$ g++ -DEXTERN_XOR_SWAP euclidAlgorithm.cpp xor_swap.c -lm -oeuclidAlgorithm
$ ./euclidAlgorithm 162 372