Profile information API.
Profile API is tested against MRI 1.9.3.
$ git clone && cd profiles
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ foreman start
Docker image: lelylanlab/profiles
$ docker run -d -it --name profiles lelylanlab/profiles
$ docker build --tag=profiles .
$ docker run -d -it --name profiles profiles
When installing the service in production set lelylan environment variables.
Fork the repo on github and send a pull requests with topic branches. Do not forget to provide specs to your contribution.
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec guard
Press enter to execute all specs.
Follow guidelines.
Follow github guidelines.
Use the issue tracker for bugs or stack overflow for questions. Mail or Tweet us for any idea that can improve the project.
Special thanks to all contributors for submitting patches.
Lelylan is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.