Lua scripts for Halo for SAPP or Chimera.
- anti-cram.lua
A script for blocking players from "cramming" or driving vehicles into blocked locations
- anti-lagspawn.lua
A script to prevent lag spawning by disabling crouch and jump when players initially spawn.
- anti-speedhack.lua
A script to determine if the clients game is running at a higher tickrate/speed that what is expected. This may also
- commands.lua
An unfinished script to add more commands to Halo.
- hit_reg_fix.lua
A script to improve hit detection in Halo servers.
- logging.lua
A script for improved logging and logging file system for servers.
- map_download.lua
A script to restore map downloading to SAPP.
- nameban.lua
A script to ban names or useres by there names from your server.
- seats.lua
A mod that allows users to drive from gunner and or passenger seats.
- tk_kick.lua
A script that gives useres the option to kick players that are team killing them.