Demonstrates a simple TCP/IP Link enabling two Arduino's to talk to each other using the extremely cheap and versatile ESP8266 Wifi modules using SoftwareSerial and AT commands.
Either of the setups are used as a Server (Access Point) or a Client (Station).
DISCLAIMER : It is highly recommended that you use LLs (Logic Level Shifters) for communication with the ESP-01 as they are not 5V tolerant (not for long at least). The way in which the modules are wired will fry them in the near future.
ESPs are power hungry and is hence recommend that one uses an external power supply (3.3v @ ~800mA) for powering the ESPs since an Arduino is not capable of pushing the necessary current.
Wiring :
3.3V (Of Arduino) ----> VCC, CH_PD (of ESP)
GND -----> GND (of ESP)
Wire the the RX & TX lines of your ESPs as specified by the respective sketches
Before Uploading the Code
Set the default baud rate of both the ESPs at 9600 bps using AT commands with the following commands.
AT+UART_DEF = 9600,8,1,0,0 (This will flash the default baud rate to the ESP. Use the CUR tag for changes to last till the next reset or reboot).