This is a batch file. It will shut down your computer I have a Windows 7 and I tested it on my PC, It's completely harmless. You can use it to prank too :). I will tell you how to prank others with this Simple batch file. you can rename this app. give it the name of a famous app like Chrome or spotify, but make sure that the victim uses that app regularly. Move the orignal app to downloads or somewhere else, then place the batch file in it's place, I am pretty sure you see where I am going with this :) When the victim clicks the file then the file will shut down the PC. You might want to create a shortcut too, so that you can change the icon. I don't think an average computer user would click on a file with a weird icon named "insert famous application name here.". Replace the orignal icon with the Famous application's icon so that the victim doesn't become suspicious. They always have a way of knowing though. they can just see the code.
this is not built for that though, I mean it was, but I turned it into a button.