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Regresión Lineal
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Dfranzani committed Nov 29, 2024
1 parent 792e919 commit 3f9e3be
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Showing 59 changed files with 272,972 additions and 8 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions App/Regresion+Lineal/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Probando elementos de inscrustación

A + B = C

1. Hola

2. CHao

148 changes: 144 additions & 4 deletions App/server.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ library(shiny)
options(shiny.usecairo = T)

function(input, output, session) {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,6 +92,8 @@ function(input, output, session) {
n = input$nDM1
simulaciones = input$simulacionesDM1

# set.seed(2024) # Bind cache

if(input$distribucionDM1 == "Normal"){
media = input$mediaDM1_normal
sigma = sqrt(input$varianzaDM1_normal)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,14 +272,14 @@ function(input, output, session) {
grafico_IC = function(x, y, colores, limites_x, simulaciones, media, nombre_media, tipoIC){
x = x, y = 1:simulaciones, col = colores[,1], pch = 16, las = 1, bty = "n",
ylim = c(-10, simulaciones), xlim = limites_x, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
ylim = c(-5, simulaciones + 5), xlim = limites_x, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "Valores del IC", ylab = "Número de simulación",
main = ifelse(nombre_media == "Una",
"IC para la media proveniente \n de una distribución normal",
"IC para la diferencia de medias (X-Y) \n provenientes de distribuciones normales")
axis(side = 1, at = c(limites_x[1], media, limites_x[2]), labels = c(limites_x[1], media, limites_x[2]), xlim = limites_x)
axis(side = 2, at = round(seq(from = 1, to = simulaciones, length.out = 10), 0))
axis(side = 2, at = round(seq(from = 1, to = simulaciones, length.out = 10), 0), las = 1)
points(x = y, y = 1:simulaciones, pch = 16, col = colores[,2])
if(tipoIC == "less"){
arrows(x1 = x, x0 = y, y1 = 1:simulaciones, y0 = 1:simulaciones, length = 0.07, col = colores[,2])
Expand All @@ -295,8 +298,8 @@ function(input, output, session) {
negros = paste(negros, "%")
# abline(v = media, col = "black", lty = 2)
segments(x0 = media, y0 = 0, x1 = media, y1 = simulaciones+1, lty = 2)
legend("bottomleft", legend = c(negros, rojos), lty = 1, col = c("black", "red"), title = "Proporción de IC", bty = "n")
legend("bottomright", legend = c("Haga click en un IC (o cerca) \n para ver la distribución de los \n datos de la muestra. \n \n"), bty = "n")
legend("topleft", legend = c(negros, rojos), lty = 1, col = c("black", "red"), title = "Proporción de IC", bty = "n")
legend("bottomleft", legend = c("Haga click en un IC (o cerca) \n para ver la distribución de los \n datos de la muestra. \n \n"), bty = "n")

IC = function(tipo_varianzas, tipoIC, extremos, confianza, varianza, varianzaX = NA, varianzaY = NA,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -571,6 +574,143 @@ function(input, output, session) {


### Regresión Lineal (Simple)

regresion = function(x, y){
modelo = lm(y ~ x)

grafico_RL = function(x, y, modelo){
betas = modelo$coefficients
confidence_values = predict.lm(modelo, interval = "confidence")
prediction_values = predict.lm(modelo, newdata = data.frame("x" = x, "y" = y), interval = "prediction")
y_confidence = confidence_values[order(confidence_values[,1]), 2:3]
y_prediction = prediction_values[order(prediction_values[,1]), 2:3]
plot(x = x, y = y, las = 1, bty = "n",
main = "Regresión Lineal Simple", xlab = "Valores de X", ylab = "Valores de Y",
ylim = c(min(c(y, y_confidence, y_prediction)), max(c(y, y_confidence, y_prediction))))
segments(x0 = min(x), x1 = max(x), y0 = betas[1] + betas[2]*min(x), y1 = betas[1] + betas[2]*max(x), col = "red", lty = 1)
lines(x = x[order(x)], y = y_confidence[,1], col = "blue", lty = 2)
lines(x = x[order(x)], y = y_confidence[,2], col = "blue", lty = 2)
lines(x = x[order(x)], y = y_prediction[,1], col = "darkgreen" ,lty = 2)
lines(x = x[order(x)], y = y_prediction[,2], col = "darkgreen", lty = 2)
legend("topleft", legend = c("Recta de regresión ajustada", "IC del 95% para la media", "IC del 95% para la predicción"),
lty = c(1, 2, 2), col = c("red", "blue", "darkgreen"), bty = "n")

grafico_supuestos = function(x, y, modelo){
par(mfrow = c(2,2), bty = "n", las = 1)
plot(x = modelo$fitted.values, y = residuals(modelo),
main = "Linealidad", xlab = "Valores ajustados", ylab = "Residuos")
main = "Independenica \n (Función de Autocorrelación: ACF)", xlab = "Lag", ylab = "ACF")
plot(x = modelo$fitted.values, y = sqrt(abs(rstandard(modelo))),
main = "Homocedasticidad", xlab = "Valores ajustados", ylab = "Raíz de los residuos estandarizados")
qqnorm(modelo$residuals, main = "Normalidad \n (Cuantil - Cuantil)", xlab = "Cuantiles teóricos", ylab = "Cuantiles observados")

violacion_supuestos = function(x, y){

aux_y = y
aux_x = x


if ("Linealidad" %in% input$violacionSupuestos){
y = y + (x/70)^3

if ("Independencia" %in% input$violacionSupuestos ){
y = apply(X = as.matrix(cbind(seq(from = 0, to = 45, length.out = length(y)), y)), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(fila){
recorrido = sin(fila[1])*200 + fila[2]

if ("Homocedasticidad" %in% input$violacionSupuestos){
incrementos = cumsum(seq(from = 0.8, to = 1.2, length.out = length(y)))
y = abs(y*incrementos - max(y)/2)

if ("Normalidad" %in% input$violacionSupuestos){
n_min = y[order(y)][8]
n_max = y[order(y)][(length(y)-8)]
y[y <= n_min] = y[y <= n_min] - y[y == n_max]*0.5
y[y >= n_max] = y[y >= n_max] + y[y == n_max]*0.5

observeEvent(list(input$go_RL), {

desviacion_simulacion = 100
x_poblacion = seq(from = 1, to = input$nPoblacionalRLS, by = 1)
y_poblacion = apply(X = as.matrix(x_poblacion + 100), MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(media){
return(rnorm(n = 1, mean = media, sd = desviacion_simulacion))

n_muestra = sample(x = 1:input$nPoblacionalRLS, size = input$nMuestralRLS, replace = FALSE)
x_muestral = x_poblacion[n_muestra]
y_muestral = y_poblacion[n_muestra]
y_muestral = violacion_supuestos(x = x_muestral, y = y_muestral)
RL = regresion(x = x_muestral, y = y_muestral)

output$plot_rl = renderPlot({
grafico_RL(x = x_muestral, y = y_muestral, modelo = RL)

output$plot_supuestos = renderPlot({
grafico_supuestos(x = x_muestral, y = y_muestral, modelo = RL)

output$resumen_rl = function(){
summary_RL = round(summary(RL)$coefficients, digits = 4)
summary_RL = ifelse(summary_RL == 0, "<2e-16", summary_RL)
rownames(summary_RL) <- c("β<sub>0</sub>", "β<sub>1</sub>")
kableExtra::kbl(summary_RL, escape = FALSE, booktabs = T, align = "c",
caption = "Resumen del modelo de regresión lineal",
col.names = c("Estimación", "Error estándar", "Estadístico de prueba t", "Valor-p")) |>
kableExtra::kable_styling(full_width = TRUE, bootstrap_options = c("condensed", "striped"))

output$resumen_rl_metricas = function(){
summary_RL = summary(RL)
metrics = round(unlist(summary_RL[c("fstatistic", "sigma", "r.squared", "adj.r.squared")])[c(1,4:6)], digits = 4)
kableExtra::kbl(t(as.matrix(metrics)), escape = FALSE, booktabs = T, align = "c",
col.names = c("Estadístico F<sub>0</sub>", "Error estándar residual", "R<sup>2</sup>", "R<sup>2</sup> ajustado")) |>
kableExtra::kable_styling(full_width = TRUE, bootstrap_options = c("condensed", "striped"))

output$resumen_supuestos = function(){

tests = list(
lmtest::bptest(formula = formula(RL), data = data.frame("x" = x_muestral, "y" = y_muestral)),
lmtest::dwtest(formula = formula(RL), data = data.frame("x" = x_muestral, "y" = y_muestral), alternative = "two.sided"),
shapiro.test(x = rstandard(RL))
) |> lapply(FUN = function(test){
valor_p = round(test$p.value, digits = 4)
statistic = round(test$statistic, digits = 4)
valor_p = ifelse(valor_p < 0.0001, "<1e-4", valor_p)
statistic = ifelse(statistic < 0.0001, "<1e-4", statistic)
return(c(statistic, valor_p))
}) |> unlist() |> matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) |> data.frame() |> setNames(c("Estadístico", "Valor-p"))

tests$Prueba = c("Breusch-Pagan", "Durbin-Watson", "Shapiro-Wilk")
tests$Supuesto = c("Homocedasticidad", "Independencia", "Normalidad")
tests = tests[, c("Supuesto", "Prueba", "Estadístico", "Valor-p")]

kableExtra::kbl(tests, escape = FALSE, booktabs = T, align = "c",
caption = "Prueba de hipótesis de los supuestos del modelo de regresión lineal") |>
kableExtra::kable_styling(full_width = TRUE, bootstrap_options = c("condensed", "striped"))


# End general function

Expand Down
34 changes: 31 additions & 3 deletions App/ui.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ panelLateral = dashboardSidebar(
id = "sidebarID",
menuItem("Teorema Central del Límite", tabName = "DM1"),
menuItem("IC: Intervalos de confianza", tabName = "IC"),
menuItem("Pruebas de Hipótesis", tabName = "PH")#,
menuItem("Pruebas de Hipótesis", tabName = "PH"),
menuItem("Regresión Lineal", tabName = "RL")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,17 +124,44 @@ cuerpo_PH = sidebarLayout(
width = 9,
column(width = 12, plotOutput("plot_ph"), plotOutput("plot_ic_ph"))
# fluidRow(
# column(width = 6, withMathJax(includeMarkdown("Regresion+Lineal/")))
# )

simulador4 = actionButton(inputId = "go_RL", label = "Simular")
cuerpo_RL = sidebarLayout(
width = 2,
radioButtons(inputId = "tipoRL", label = "Tipo de regresión", choices = c("Simple")),
# radioButtons(inputId = "tipoRL", label = "Tipo de regresión", choices = c("Simple", "Múltiple")),
condition = "input.tipoRL == 'Simple'",
sliderInput(inputId = "nPoblacionalRLS", label = "Tamaño poblacional", min = 600, max = 800, value = 700, step = 10),
sliderInput(inputId = "nMuestralRLS", label = "Tamaño muestral", min = 100, max = 550, value = 240, step = 10)
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "violacionSupuestos", label = "Violación de supuestos",
choices = c("Linealidad", "Normalidad", "Homocedasticidad", "Independencia")),
width = 10,
column(width = 6, plotOutput("plot_rl", height = "500px"), br(), tableOutput("resumen_rl"), tableOutput("resumen_rl_metricas")),
column(width = 6, plotOutput("plot_supuestos", height = "500px"), br(), tableOutput("resumen_supuestos"))
# Asignando los cuerpos por filtro
hoja_DM = tabItem(tabName = "DM1", fluidPage(cuerpo_DM1))
hoja_IC = tabItem(tabName = "IC", fluidPage(cuerpo_IC))
hoja_PH = tabItem(tabName = "PH", fluidPage(cuerpo_PH))
hoja_RL = tabItem(tabName = "RL", fluidPage(cuerpo_RL))

cuerpo = dashboardBody(
tabItems(hoja_DM, hoja_IC, hoja_PH)
tabItems(hoja_DM, hoja_IC, hoja_PH, hoja_RL)

# Despliegue general
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/app.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file not shown.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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