π Hi there! I'm Dhruv Sinha, an aspiring web developer with a passion for creating dynamic and user-friendly web applications. I'm constantly exploring new technologies and looking for exciting opportunities to apply my skills.
- Web Development: Proficient in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and React for creating responsive and dynamic web applications.
- Backend Development: Experienced with Node.js and Express.js for server-side development and handling backend operations.
- Database Management: Skilled in MySQL and MongoDB for database creation, management, and performing CRUD operations.
- Data Analytics: Proficient in R and SQL for data analysis, manipulation, and visualization.
- Programming: Strong understanding of Object-Oriented Programming concepts using C++ and Java.
Jul 2024 - Jan 2025
Dec 2023 - Mar 2024
- Digital Collaboration Platform: Facilitated remote and distributed project management using Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, ShadcnUI, Clerk for authentication, and Convex as backend-as-a-service.
- Automated Attendance Management System: Created a web application using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to scan and mark student attendance, utilizing Python for QR generation and Google Firebase for data storage.
- Typing Game: Designed and implemented a typing game application to enhance users' typing speed and accuracy using JavaScript and React.
- Real-time Weather App: Engineered a weather application with automatic location fetching and dynamic updates using OpenWeather API, JavaScript, and React.
- Expense Tracker (MERN stack): Developed a comprehensive expense tracker application utilizing MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js.
- Student Result Analysis App (MERN stack): Built a robust student result analysis application leveraging the MERN stack for efficient management of student records.
- Image to ASCII Art: Converted images to ASCII art using JavaScript to create a unique text-based representation of images.
- Focus App: Developed a productivity application with a Pomodoro timer, changeable background, to-do list, and music player using React.
- Email: dhruv.sinha06@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dhruvsinha2003