NextDrop is a high-speed data pipeline capable of transferring large files efficiently, with a peak transfer rate allowing for 3GB of data to be received in under 10 seconds, making it a standout system for rapid file transfers.
Speed in Peak transfer rate (Latest): 3GB /5sec
Most Fast in My Project. PEEK SPEED: 6.2GB / 6.2sec
Python Library is Available. PEEK SPEED: 3GB / 5sec
UDPDrop is In Development!!
To install NextDrop, ensure you have Python 3.7+ installed along with the required dependencies. Run the following command:
Library Version
pip install next-drop-lib
Command-Line Version Requiments (
pip install kamu-jp-modern aiohttp tqdm zstandard
GUI Version Requiments (
pip install kamu-jp-modern PyQt6 aiohttp tqdm zstandard
NextDrop operates in two modes: sending and receiving. Below are the details for each mode.
import asyncio
from next_drop_lib import FileSender, FileReceiver, NextDropGeneral
import threading
import time
async def file_send_example():
await FileSender("localhost", port=4321, file_path="./test.txt").send_file()
async def file_receive_example():
await FileReceiver(port=4321, save_dir="./recived/").start_server()
await asyncio.sleep(5)
def start_server():
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Start the server in a separate thread
# Start the file sender
To send a file, use the following command:
python send <target_ip> --port <port> <file_path> [--threads <num_threads>]
: IP address of the receiving server.--port <port>
: Port on which the receiver is listening (default is4321
: Path to the file you want to send.--threads <num_threads>
: Number of threads to use (default is1
python send --port 4321 /path/to/ --threads 4
To start a receiver server, use the following command:
python receive --port <port> <save_dir> [--compress]
--port <port>
: Port to listen on for incoming file transfers (default is4321
: Directory where received files will be saved.
python receive --port 4321 /path/to/save --compress