This is a Python project for running database queries/statements and generating reports.
- Reads config files
- Can read command-line arguments
- Runs SQL statements/queries and can get a result set
- Can writes the result set to a spreadsheet file (.xlsx or .csv)
- Can email the spreadsheet as an attachment, or just a path name, if recipient email addresses are defined in the config file.
pip install --user XlsxWriter
pip install --user python-tds
pip install --user mysql-connector
pip install --user psycopg2
is a connector for Microsoft SQL Server, mysql-connector
is a connector that works with MySQL and MariaDB, and psycopg2
is a connector for PostgreSQL.
You only need the database connector(s) for the database system type(s) that you intend to use.
Copy the files conf/*.example.cfg
files to just conf/*.cfg
Then customise them to use your own database credentials, database queries and email settings.
# Report on plates and imagings from a RockMaker database
python RockMakerPlateReport -m 10 -y 2018
# Report on plates and imagings from an ISPyB database
python ISPyBPlatesReport - m 9 -y 2018
You will need to add this to the 'jobs.cfg' file:
- An SQL template string for your database query
- A list with the column headers you want to use in the report
You also need to add database credentials to the datasources.cfg
file and email settings to the config.cfg
If your database system is not yet supported, then you need to amend the create_report
in the DBReport
See also the *.example.cfg files for examples.
To install the source code in editable mode for development:
git clone
pip install --user -e db-jobs