Average Size is a web application that allows you to reduce the length of your link to a shorter length.
You can save up to a maximum of 10 links, total clicks to your link, customize the link to your liking, record unique visitors who have clicked on the link, date of last link created and date of last link edited and CRUD for the links created.
These instructions will allow you to get a copy of the project running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Mira Deployment para conocer como desplegar el proyecto.
The first step is to clone this repository on your local machine, for that we use the following command.
git clone "https://github.com/DiegoEMartinezZ/colorCrafter"
The next step, once you have opened the project, is to install the dependencies with this command.
npm install
Inside the project you will find the file themeContext.jsx this file has all the functionalities for the application to work correctly.
I recommend, if you are going to test new features, to add them in this file.
For example, the call to the different APIs can be found in this file.
For the application to start working, inside the terminal enter the following command.
If you have more questions you can follow this link to know how React works with Vite. React - Vite
- Tailwind - Framework CSS
- React - Vite - Framework
- Font Awesome - UX Icons
- API Palette - API for creating the palette
For any comment, suggestion or doubt you can write to my email diermaza.23@gmail.com
- Diego Martínez - Frontend Developer / Data analysis - Web Portfolio
- Any comments for improvement are more than welcome
- Thnaks to Jimmy, a good friend who helped me when I was stuck in the project. And he made me code revisions whenever he could.