Just practicing react with a food ordering app
**Check the link inside the icon to see this knowledge being applied in this codebase.
- Scoping components with either styled components or CSS modules (helps avoid UI styles bugs or unwanted behavior by scoping the CSS styles of a component and not letting it be applied globally)
- React Fragments (Improves accessibility by avoid unnecessary html nodes)
- React Portals (Also improves accessibility by being able to move elements in the DOM where it’s most suitable for accessibility, i.e: moving a modal and backdrop to top of DOM instead of being nested on the DOM)
- React ref (it actually does a lot of things for example helps with unnecessary states when you only need to read a value for some input field for example)
- Avoid unnecessary calls to useEffect by passing properties from an object not the whole object as dependencies.
- Forward Refs ( a special case when you need to use the ref from a custom component, not from standard HTML elements by using the useRef and useImperativeHandler hooks, wrapping the custom component with React.forwardRef helper function.
- Implemented Absolute Imports (This is great for productivy as you don't waste time going up and down when using relative path imports)