LANraragi 0.9.2 - Telling Lies

A new release this early!? It's surprising how much stuff you end up with in just a month sometimes.
I hope y'all are having a sugoi summer™️!
📇 Add support for Koharu-style info.yaml (#1023, @siliconfeces)
Another day, another info.yaml spec...
Support for Koharu's yaml syntax has been added to the existing KSK plugin.
🌽 Add a new tag rule for fast replacements (#1015, @nuclear06)
You can now use ns_a:tag_a => ns_b:tag_b
to perform replacements.
This works similarly to ns_a:tag_a -> ns_b:tag_b
, but uses a hash table to enhance speed.
The result is that this rule is way faster, but only executes after all other tag rules.
🧺 Other changes
(#980) Sideloaded plugins in Docker installs are now persisted (@Nixis198)
📩 Previously, plugins sideloaded through the web client would land alongside the stock plugins, in
🐋 The issue with this was that Docker installs would lose their sideloaded plugins on every update.
🐳 Uploaded plugins now land in/home/koyomi/lanraragi/lib/LANraragi/Plugin/Sideloaded
, which now has its own VOLUME set for Docker installs. If I ever make a third-party plugin repository, they'll probably install in there as well. -
(#1022) Fix summary whitespace display
🗒️ Summaries supported newlines and tabs just fine, but the web client was just eating those up. Things should work better now 👍
Plugin changes/fixes
🧩 (#1007) Allow ksk plugin to handle single-string in yamls alongside arrays
🧩 (#1012) Updated the FAKKU plugin to add summary support and source tag lookup (@Nixis198)
🧩 (#993) EH plugin can now handle source tags with https prefix (@anonstash) -
Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements
💎 Updated to Alpine 3.20 for Docker/Win builds
💎 (#882) Rewrite given/when as if-chains (@siliconfeces)
💎 Avoid puking out warning when calling trim_crlf with undef (#1026) (@siliconfeces)
💎 Revert maximum-scale change to fix pinch to zoom
💎 Ignoresource:
namespaces when building tag cloud (#1013) (@nuclear06)
💎 (#1006) Use proper locale comparison API for clientside category sorting
💎 Fix error messages being broken by xml_escape
💎 Updated Taskbar icon for Windows installs
💎 Fix PWA app.webappmanifest references
💎 Use a better placeholder for checkbox menu when there are no categories on the server
💎 Fix backup restoration failing when setting summaries
Full Changelog: v.0.9.10...v.0.9.20
As a transition piece, “Lies” worked well, getting the band into the frame of mind for what would become Earthling. When they got off the road, Bowie hustled to take a “sonic photograph” of them in the studio before they lost their tour-hardened sound..