Use this SDK to integrate Digital River API into your commerce app.
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2023
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 7.2 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"digitalriver/digital-river-php": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
require_once('/path/to/Digitalriver APIs Client Library for PHP/vendor/autoload.php');
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure Bearer authorization: bearerAuth
// The following example will create a checkout. Replace YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with your confidential API key.
$config = DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');
$apiInstance = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Api\CheckoutsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$checkout_request = new \DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\CheckoutRequest(); // \DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\CheckoutRequest |
// Refer \DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\CheckoutRequest::$setters in digital-river-php/lib/Model/CheckoutRequest.php to set the properties.
$ship_from_address = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\Address();
$ship_from_address->setLine1('10380 Bren Road West');
$ship_from = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\ShipFrom();
$ship_to_address = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\Address();
$ship_to_address->setLine1('123 Sesame Street');
$ship_to_address->setLine2('Suite 1a');
$ship_to = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\Shipping();
$ship_to->setName('John Doe');
$ship_to->setOrganization('Company Name (optional)');
$shipping_choice = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\ShippingRequest();
$shipping_choice->setDescription("Client provides-Standard Ground - US");
$shipping_choice->setServiceLevel("Client provides shipping service");
$item_1 = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\SkuRequestItem();
$item_2 = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\SkuRequestItem();
$item_3 = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\SkuRequestItem();
try {
$result = $apiInstance->createCheckouts($checkout_request);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling CheckoutsApi->createCheckouts: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ChargesApi | retrieveCharges | GET /charges/{id} | Gets a charge by ID |
CheckoutsApi | attachSourceToCheckout | POST /checkouts/{id}/sources/{sourceId} | Attach source to checkout. |
CheckoutsApi | createCheckouts | POST /checkouts | Creates a new checkout |
CheckoutsApi | deleteCheckouts | DELETE /checkouts/{id} | Deletes a checkout by ID. |
CheckoutsApi | detachSourceToCheckout | DELETE /checkouts/{id}/sources/{sourceId} | Deletes a checkout association to source. |
CheckoutsApi | listCheckouts | GET /checkouts | Returns a list of checkouts |
CheckoutsApi | retrieveCheckouts | GET /checkouts/{id} | Gets a checkout by ID. |
CheckoutsApi | updateCheckouts | POST /checkouts/{id} | Updates an existing checkout |
CountrySpecificationsApi | listCountrySpecifications | GET /country-specs | Returns an array containing a country specification |
CustomersApi | createCustomerSource | POST /customers/{id}/sources/{sourceId} | Attaches a source to a customer |
CustomersApi | createCustomerTaxIdentifier | POST /customers/{id}/tax-identifiers/{taxId} | Attaches a tax identifier to a customer |
CustomersApi | createCustomers | POST /customers | Creates a new customer |
CustomersApi | deleteCustomerSource | DELETE /customers/{id}/sources/{sourceId} | Detaches a source from a customer |
CustomersApi | deleteCustomers | DELETE /customers/{id} | Deletes a customer by ID |
CustomersApi | listCustomers | GET /customers | Returns a list of customers |
CustomersApi | retrieveCustomers | GET /customers/{id} | Gets a customer by ID |
CustomersApi | updateCustomers | POST /customers/{id} | Updates an existing customer |
DropInCheckoutLinksApi | createDropInCheckoutLink | POST /drop-in/checkout-links | Creates a new Drop-in checkout link |
DropInCheckoutLinksApi | deleteDropInCheckoutLinks | DELETE /drop-in/checkout-links/{id} | Deletes a Drop-in checkout link by ID. |
DropInCheckoutLinksApi | listDropInCheckoutLink | GET /drop-in/checkout-links | List Drop-in checkout links |
DropInCheckoutSessionsApi | createDropInCheckoutSession | POST /drop-in/checkout-sessions | Creates a new Drop-in checkout session |
DropInShippingQuotesApi | listShippingMethodQuotes | POST /checkout/shipping-quotes | Returns shipping method quotes |
EventsApi | listEvents | GET /events | Returns a list of events |
EventsApi | retrieveEvents | GET /events/{id} | Gets an event by identifier |
FeesApi | createFees | POST /fees | Creates a fee |
FeesApi | deleteFees | DELETE /fees/{id} | Deletes a fee by identifier |
FeesApi | listFees | GET /fees | Returns a list of fees |
FeesApi | retrieveFees | GET /fees/{id} | Gets a Fee by identifier |
FeesApi | updateFees | POST /fees/{id} | Updates an existing Fee |
FileLinksApi | createFileLinks | POST /file-links | Creates a file link |
FileLinksApi | deleteFileLinks | DELETE /file-links/{id} | Deletes a file link by ID. |
FileLinksApi | listFileLinks | GET /file-links | Returns a list of file links |
FileLinksApi | retrieveFileLinks | GET /file-links/{id} | Gets a file link by identifer |
FileLinksApi | updateFileLinks | POST /file-links/{id} | Updates a file link |
FilesApi | createFiles | POST /files | Creates a file. |
FilesApi | deleteFiles | DELETE /files/{id} | Deletes a file by ID. |
FilesApi | downloadFiles | GET /files/{id}/content | Gets file content by ID. |
FilesApi | listFiles | GET /files | Returns a list of files. |
FilesApi | retrieveFiles | GET /files/{id} | Gets a file by ID. |
FulfillmentCancellationsApi | createFulfillmentCancellations | POST /fulfillment-cancellations | Creates a cancellation |
FulfillmentCancellationsApi | listFulfillmentCancellations | GET /fulfillment-cancellations | Returns a list of fulfillment cancellations |
FulfillmentCancellationsApi | retrieveFulfillmentCancellations | GET /fulfillment-cancellations/{id} | Gets a fulfillment cancellation by its unique identifier. |
FulfillmentOrdersApi | createFulfillmentOrders | POST /fulfillment-orders | Creates a new Fulfillment order |
FulfillmentOrdersApi | listFulfillmentOrders | GET /fulfillment-orders | Returns a list of Fulfillment orders. |
FulfillmentOrdersApi | retrieveFulfillmentOrders | GET /fulfillment-orders/{id} | Gets a Fulfillment order by ID. |
FulfillmentReturnsApi | createFulfillmentReturns | POST /fulfillment-returns | Creates a return |
FulfillmentReturnsApi | listFulfillmentReturns | GET /fulfillment-returns | Returns a list of fulfillment returns |
FulfillmentReturnsApi | retrieveFulfillmentReturns | GET /fulfillment-returns/{id} | Gets a fulfillment return by its unique identifier |
FulfillmentsApi | createFulfillments | POST /fulfillments | Creates a Fulfillment |
FulfillmentsApi | listFulfillments | GET /fulfillments | Returns a list of Fulfillments. |
FulfillmentsApi | retrieveFulfillments | GET /fulfillments/{id} | Gets a Fulfillment by unique identifier |
InventoryItemsApi | createInventoryItems | POST /inventory-items | Creates an inventory item. |
InventoryItemsApi | deleteInventoryItems | DELETE /inventory-items/{id} | Deletes an inventory item by ID. |
InventoryItemsApi | listInventoryItems | GET /inventory-items | Returns a list of inventory items. |
InventoryItemsApi | retrieveInventoryItems | GET /inventory-items/{id} | Gets an inventory item by ID. |
InventoryItemsApi | updateInventoryItems | POST /inventory-items/{id} | Updates an inventory item. |
InventoryLevelsApi | listInventoryLevels | GET /inventory-levels | Returns a list of inventory levels. |
InvoicesApi | attachSourceToInvoice | POST /invoices/{id}/sources/{sourceId} | Attach source to invoice. |
InvoicesApi | createInvoices | POST /invoices | Creates a new invoice |
InvoicesApi | deleteInvoices | DELETE /invoices/{id} | Deletes an invoice. |
InvoicesApi | detachSourceToInvoice | DELETE /invoices/{id}/sources/{sourceId} | Deletes a invoice association to source. |
InvoicesApi | listInvoices | GET /invoices | Returns a list of invoices |
InvoicesApi | openInvoices | POST /invoices/{id}/open | Opens an existing invoice |
InvoicesApi | retrieveInvoices | GET /invoices/{id} | Gets an invoice by identifier |
InvoicesApi | updateInvoices | POST /invoices/{id} | Updates an existing invoice |
InvoicesApi | voidInvoices | POST /invoices/{id}/void | Voids an existing invoice |
LogisticsReturnsApi | createLogisticsReturns | POST /logistics-returns | Creates a return |
LogisticsReturnsApi | listLogisticsReturns | GET /logistics-returns | Returns a list of returns |
LogisticsReturnsApi | retrieveLogisticsReturns | GET /logistics-returns/{id} | Gets a return by ID |
OrdersApi | createOrders | POST /orders | Creates a new order. |
OrdersApi | listOrders | GET /orders | Returns a list of orders. |
OrdersApi | retrieveOrderTracking | GET /orders/{id}/tracking | Tracks Global Logistics shipments. |
OrdersApi | retrieveOrders | GET /orders/{id} | Gets an order by ID. |
OrdersApi | updateOrders | POST /orders/{id} | Updates an existing order. |
PayoutTransactionsApi | listPayoutTransactions | GET /payouts/{id}/transactions | Lists the payout transactions for a payout. |
PayoutsApi | listPayouts | GET /payouts | Returns a list of payouts |
PayoutsApi | retrievePayouts | GET /payouts/{id} | Gets a payout by ID. |
PlansApi | createPlans | POST /plans | Creates a Plan |
PlansApi | deletePlans | DELETE /plans/{id} | Deletes a Plan by ID |
PlansApi | listPlans | GET /plans | Returns a list of Plans |
PlansApi | retrievePlans | GET /plans/{id} | Gets a Plan by ID |
PlansApi | updatePlans | POST /plans/{id} | Updates a Plan |
RefundsApi | createRefunds | POST /refunds | Creates a refund for an order. |
RefundsApi | listRefunds | GET /refunds | Returns a list of refunds |
RefundsApi | retrieveRefunds | GET /refunds/{id} | Gets a refund by ID. |
RefundsApi | updateRefunds | POST /refunds/{id} | Updates a refund for an order or a specific order charge. |
ReservationsApi | createReservations | POST /reservations | Create a reservation |
ReservationsApi | deleteReservations | DELETE /reservations/{id} | Cancels a reservation by ID. |
ReturnsApi | createReturns | POST /returns | Creates a return |
ReturnsApi | listReturns | GET /returns | Returns a list of returns |
ReturnsApi | retrieveReturns | GET /returns/{id} | Gets a return by ID |
ReturnsApi | updateReturns | POST /returns/{id} | Updates an existing return |
SKUsApi | createSkus | POST /skus | Creates a SKU |
SKUsApi | deleteSkus | DELETE /skus/{id} | Deletes a SKU by ID |
SKUsApi | listSkus | GET /skus | Returns a list of SKUs |
SKUsApi | retrieveSkus | GET /skus/{id} | Gets a SKU by ID |
SKUsApi | updateSkus | POST /skus/{id} | Updates a SKU |
SKUsApi | upsertSkus | PUT /skus/{id} | Upserts a SKU |
SalesSummariesApi | listSalesSummaries | GET /sales-summaries | Returns a list of sales summaries |
SalesSummariesApi | retrieveSalesSummaries | GET /sales-summaries/{id} | Gets a sales summary by ID. |
SalesTransactionsApi | listSalesTransactions | GET /sales-transactions | Returns a list of sales transactions |
SalesTransactionsApi | retrieveSalesTransactions | GET /sales-transactions/{id} | Gets a sales transaction by ID. |
ShipmentsApi | listShipments | GET /shipments | Returns a list of shipments |
ShipmentsApi | retrieveShipments | GET /shipments/{id} | Gets a shipment by ID. |
ShippingLabelsApi | createShippingLabel | POST /shipping-labels | Returns shipping label |
ShippingLabelsApi | listShippingLabel | GET /shipping-labels | Returns shipping label |
ShippingLabelsApi | retrieveShippingLabels | GET /shipping-labels/{id} | Gets a shipping label by ID. |
ShippingQuotesApi | postShippingQuotes | POST /shipping-quotes | Returns shipping quotes |
SkuGroupsApi | listSkuGroups | GET /sku-groups | Returns a list of SKU Groups |
SourcesApi | createSources | POST /sources | Posts a source |
SourcesApi | retrieveSources | GET /sources/{id} | Gets a source by identifier |
StoreCreditCalloutApi | removeStoreCreditsCallout | DELETE /checkouts/store-credits/{upstreamId} | Remove store credit callout |
StoreCreditCalloutApi | storeCreditsCallout | POST /checkouts/store-credits | Store credit callout |
SubscriptionsApi | deleteSubscriptions | DELETE /subscriptions/{id} | Deletes a Subscription by ID |
SubscriptionsApi | listSubscriptions | GET /subscriptions | Returns a list of Subscriptions |
SubscriptionsApi | retrieveSubscriptions | GET /subscriptions/{id} | Gets a Subscription by ID |
SubscriptionsApi | updateSubscriptions | POST /subscriptions/{id} | Updates a Subscription |
TaxIdentifiersApi | createTaxIdentifiers | POST /tax-identifiers | Creates a new tax identifier |
TaxIdentifiersApi | deleteTaxIdentifiers | DELETE /tax-identifiers/{id} | Deletes a tax identifier by ID. |
TaxIdentifiersApi | listTaxIdentifiers | GET /tax-identifiers | Returns a list of tax identifiers |
TaxIdentifiersApi | retrieveTaxIdentifiers | GET /tax-identifiers/{id} | Gets a tax identifier by ID. |
WebhooksApi | createWebhooks | POST /webhooks | Creates a new webhook |
WebhooksApi | deleteWebhooks | DELETE /webhooks/{id} | Deletes a webhook endpoint by ID. |
WebhooksApi | listWebhooks | GET /webhooks | Returns a list of webhooks |
WebhooksApi | retrieveWebhooks | GET /webhooks/{id} | Gets a webhook endpoint by ID. |
WebhooksApi | updateWebhooks | PATCH /webhooks/{id} | Updates an existing webhook endpoint |
- AdditionalAddressInfo
- AdditionalBillingAddressInfo
- Address
- Applicability
- Attributes
- BPay
- Battery
- Billing
- Billing1
- BillingOptimization
- Business
- Cancel
- Capture
- Charge
- ChargeType
- Charges
- Checkout
- CheckoutLinkDetails
- CheckoutRequest
- CheckoutTaxIdentifierRequest
- CountrySpecification
- CreateDropInCheckoutTokenResponse
- CreateReturnsResponse
- CreditCard
- CreditSource
- Customer
- CustomerRequest
- CustomerTaxIdentifier
- CustomerType
- CustomerType1
- DirectDebit
- DirectDebitRedirect
- Disclosure
- DisclosureDetails
- Disclosures
- Discount
- DropInCheckoutLink
- DropInCheckoutLinkResponse
- DropInCheckoutRequest
- DropInCheckoutSession
- DropInOptionsRequest
- DropInShippingQuote
- DropInSku
- Duties
- Error
- Errors
- Event
- EventData
- Fee
- FeeDetails
- FeeRequest
- FeeUpdateRequest
- Fees
- File
- FileContent
- FileJsonRequest
- FileLink
- FileLinkRequest
- FileObject
- FileRequest
- FraudStateTransitions
- Fulfillment
- FulfillmentOrder
- FulfillmentRequest
- FulfillmentRequestItem
- FulfillmentResponseItem
- GLAddress
- GLShipFrom
- GiftCard
- GlobalFulfillmentAddress
- GlobalFulfillmentCancellationItemRequest
- GlobalFulfillmentCancellationItemResponse
- GlobalFulfillmentCancellationRequest
- GlobalFulfillmentCancellationResponse
- GlobalFulfillmentOrder
- GlobalFulfillmentOrderRequest
- GlobalFulfillmentReturnItemRequest
- GlobalFulfillmentReturnItemResponse
- GlobalFulfillmentReturnRequest
- GlobalFulfillmentReturnResponse
- GlobalFulfillmentShippingChoice
- GlobalFulfillmentTax
- GooglePay
- HTTPAuthorization
- ImporterTax
- Individual
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InlineResponse2002
- InlineResponse2003
- InlineResponse2004
- InlineResponse2005
- IntegrationAddress
- IntegrationShippingMethod
- IntegrationStoreCreditRequest
- InternetBankPayment
- InventoryItem
- InventoryItemRequest
- InventoryItemUpdateRequest
- InventoryLevel
- Invoice
- InvoiceAttributeInfo
- InvoiceAttributes
- InvoiceItem
- InvoiceItemRequest
- InvoiceRequest
- ItemShipping
- Klarna
- KlarnaAddress
- KlarnaRecurring
- KlarnaShipping
- Konbini
- LabelResponse
- LineItem
- LineItemRequest
- ListCheckoutLinksResponse
- ListCheckoutsResponse
- ListCountrySpecsResponse
- ListCustomersResponse
- ListEventsResponse
- ListFeesResponse
- ListFileLinksResponse
- ListFilesResponse
- ListFulfillmentsResponse
- ListGlobalFulfillmentCancellationsResponse
- ListGlobalFulfillmentReturnsResponse
- ListOrdersResponse
- ListPayoutTransactionResponse
- ListPayoutsResponse
- ListPlansResponse
- ListRefundsResponse
- ListReturnsResponse
- ListReturnsResponse1
- ListSalesSummariesResponse
- ListSalesTransactionsResponse
- ListShippingLabel
- ListSkuGroupsResponse
- ListSkusResponse
- ListSubscriptionsResponse
- Location
- OAUTHTokenInfo
- Order
- OrderDetails
- OrderItem
- OrderItem1
- OrderItemStateTransitions
- OrderRefund
- OrderRequest
- OrderStateTransitions
- OrderTracking
- Organization
- Owner
- PackageRequest
- Packages
- PayPal
- PayPalToken
- PaycoResponse
- Payments
- Payout
- PayoutAmounts
- PayoutTransaction
- Plan
- PlanRequest
- PricingFormat
- ProductDetails
- ProductItem
- ProductItemRequest
- PurchaseLocation
- Redirect
- Redirects
- Refund
- RefundCharges
- RefundItem
- RefundItemRequest
- RefundRequest
- RequestReturnsItem
- Reservation
- ReservationAddress
- ReservationInventoryItem
- ReservationRequest
- ReservationShipping
- ReservationShippingChoice
- ReturnItem
- ReturnItemRequest
- ReturnRequest
- ReturnResponse
- ReturnsAddress
- ReturnsItem
- ReturnsLocation
- ReturnsRequest
- ReturnsResponse
- SalesSummary
- SalesTransaction
- SellingEntity
- Session
- ShipFrom
- ShipFrom1
- Shipment
- ShipmentItem
- ShipmentUnitAttributes
- Shipments
- Shipping
- Shipping1
- ShippingChoice
- ShippingLabelRequest
- ShippingLabelResponse
- ShippingMethod
- ShippingMethodQuote
- ShippingMethodQuoteItemRequest
- ShippingMethodQuoteItemResponse
- ShippingMethodQuoteRequest
- ShippingMethodQuoteResponse
- ShippingQuote
- ShippingQuoteFees
- ShippingQuoteFeesDetails
- ShippingQuotePackages
- ShippingQuoteRequest
- ShippingQuoteResponse
- ShippingRequest
- Sku
- SkuDiscount
- SkuGroup
- SkuItem
- SkuItemRequest
- SkuRequest
- SkuRequestItem
- SkuUpdateRequestItem
- SkuUpsertRequest
- Source
- StateTransitions
- StoreCreditAuthorizationRequest
- StoreCreditValidationResponse
- Subscription
- SubscriptionInfo
- SubscriptionItems
- SubscriptionStateTransitions
- Tax
- TaxCertificate
- TaxDetail
- TaxIdentifier
- TaxIdentifier1
- TaxIdentifierRequest
- TaxIdentifierStateTransitions
- TaxIdentifiersInfo
- TokenInformation
- Tracking
- TrackingDetail
- TrackingItem
- UnitAttributes
- UpdateCheckoutRequest
- UpdateCustomerRequest
- UpdateFileLinkRequest
- UpdateInvoiceRequest
- UpdateOrderRequest
- UpdatePlanRequest
- UpdateRefundRequest
- UpdateReturnsItem
- UpdateReturnsRequest
- UpdateSkuRequest
- UpdateSubscriptionRequest
- UpdateTaxIdentifierRequest
- Webhook
- WebhookOauth
- WebhookRequest
- WebhookRequestAuthentication
- WebhookRequestOauth
- WebhookUpdateRequest
- WebhookUpdateRequestOauth
- WireTransfer
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-API-KEY
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: Bearer authentication