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PHP SDK for integrating the Digital River API into your commerce app.

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Digitalriver APIs Client Library for PHP

Use this SDK to integrate Digital River API into your commerce app.

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2023
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen


PHP 7.2 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "digitalriver/digital-river-php": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:

    require_once('/path/to/Digitalriver APIs Client Library for PHP/vendor/autoload.php');


To run the unit tests:

composer install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure Bearer authorization: bearerAuth
// The following example will create a checkout. Replace YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with your confidential API key.
$config = DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$apiInstance = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Api\CheckoutsApi(
  // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
  // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
  new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
  $checkout_request = new \DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\CheckoutRequest(); // \DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\CheckoutRequest |
  // Refer \DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\CheckoutRequest::$setters in digital-river-php/lib/Model/CheckoutRequest.php to set the properties.

  $ship_from_address = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\Address();
  $ship_from_address->setLine1('10380 Bren Road West');
  $ship_from = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\ShipFrom();

  $ship_to_address = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\Address();
  $ship_to_address->setLine1('123 Sesame Street');
  $ship_to_address->setLine2('Suite 1a');

  $ship_to =  new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\Shipping();
  $ship_to->setName('John Doe');
  $ship_to->setOrganization('Company Name (optional)');

  $shipping_choice = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\ShippingRequest();
  $shipping_choice->setDescription("Client provides-Standard Ground - US");
  $shipping_choice->setServiceLevel("Client provides shipping service");
  $item_1 = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\SkuRequestItem();
  $item_2 = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\SkuRequestItem();
  $item_3 = new DigitalRiver\ApiSdk\Model\SkuRequestItem();

try {
  $result = $apiInstance->createCheckouts($checkout_request);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CheckoutsApi->createCheckouts: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ChargesApi retrieveCharges GET /charges/{id} Gets a charge by ID
CheckoutsApi attachSourceToCheckout POST /checkouts/{id}/sources/{sourceId} Attach source to checkout.
CheckoutsApi createCheckouts POST /checkouts Creates a new checkout
CheckoutsApi deleteCheckouts DELETE /checkouts/{id} Deletes a checkout by ID.
CheckoutsApi detachSourceToCheckout DELETE /checkouts/{id}/sources/{sourceId} Deletes a checkout association to source.
CheckoutsApi listCheckouts GET /checkouts Returns a list of checkouts
CheckoutsApi retrieveCheckouts GET /checkouts/{id} Gets a checkout by ID.
CheckoutsApi updateCheckouts POST /checkouts/{id} Updates an existing checkout
CountrySpecificationsApi listCountrySpecifications GET /country-specs Returns an array containing a country specification
CustomersApi createCustomerSource POST /customers/{id}/sources/{sourceId} Attaches a source to a customer
CustomersApi createCustomerTaxIdentifier POST /customers/{id}/tax-identifiers/{taxId} Attaches a tax identifier to a customer
CustomersApi createCustomers POST /customers Creates a new customer
CustomersApi deleteCustomerSource DELETE /customers/{id}/sources/{sourceId} Detaches a source from a customer
CustomersApi deleteCustomers DELETE /customers/{id} Deletes a customer by ID
CustomersApi listCustomers GET /customers Returns a list of customers
CustomersApi retrieveCustomers GET /customers/{id} Gets a customer by ID
CustomersApi updateCustomers POST /customers/{id} Updates an existing customer
DropInCheckoutLinksApi createDropInCheckoutLink POST /drop-in/checkout-links Creates a new Drop-in checkout link
DropInCheckoutLinksApi deleteDropInCheckoutLinks DELETE /drop-in/checkout-links/{id} Deletes a Drop-in checkout link by ID.
DropInCheckoutLinksApi listDropInCheckoutLink GET /drop-in/checkout-links List Drop-in checkout links
DropInCheckoutSessionsApi createDropInCheckoutSession POST /drop-in/checkout-sessions Creates a new Drop-in checkout session
DropInShippingQuotesApi listShippingMethodQuotes POST /checkout/shipping-quotes Returns shipping method quotes
EventsApi listEvents GET /events Returns a list of events
EventsApi retrieveEvents GET /events/{id} Gets an event by identifier
FeesApi createFees POST /fees Creates a fee
FeesApi deleteFees DELETE /fees/{id} Deletes a fee by identifier
FeesApi listFees GET /fees Returns a list of fees
FeesApi retrieveFees GET /fees/{id} Gets a Fee by identifier
FeesApi updateFees POST /fees/{id} Updates an existing Fee
FileLinksApi createFileLinks POST /file-links Creates a file link
FileLinksApi deleteFileLinks DELETE /file-links/{id} Deletes a file link by ID.
FileLinksApi listFileLinks GET /file-links Returns a list of file links
FileLinksApi retrieveFileLinks GET /file-links/{id} Gets a file link by identifer
FileLinksApi updateFileLinks POST /file-links/{id} Updates a file link
FilesApi createFiles POST /files Creates a file.
FilesApi deleteFiles DELETE /files/{id} Deletes a file by ID.
FilesApi downloadFiles GET /files/{id}/content Gets file content by ID.
FilesApi listFiles GET /files Returns a list of files.
FilesApi retrieveFiles GET /files/{id} Gets a file by ID.
FulfillmentCancellationsApi createFulfillmentCancellations POST /fulfillment-cancellations Creates a cancellation
FulfillmentCancellationsApi listFulfillmentCancellations GET /fulfillment-cancellations Returns a list of fulfillment cancellations
FulfillmentCancellationsApi retrieveFulfillmentCancellations GET /fulfillment-cancellations/{id} Gets a fulfillment cancellation by its unique identifier.
FulfillmentOrdersApi createFulfillmentOrders POST /fulfillment-orders Creates a new Fulfillment order
FulfillmentOrdersApi listFulfillmentOrders GET /fulfillment-orders Returns a list of Fulfillment orders.
FulfillmentOrdersApi retrieveFulfillmentOrders GET /fulfillment-orders/{id} Gets a Fulfillment order by ID.
FulfillmentReturnsApi createFulfillmentReturns POST /fulfillment-returns Creates a return
FulfillmentReturnsApi listFulfillmentReturns GET /fulfillment-returns Returns a list of fulfillment returns
FulfillmentReturnsApi retrieveFulfillmentReturns GET /fulfillment-returns/{id} Gets a fulfillment return by its unique identifier
FulfillmentsApi createFulfillments POST /fulfillments Creates a Fulfillment
FulfillmentsApi listFulfillments GET /fulfillments Returns a list of Fulfillments.
FulfillmentsApi retrieveFulfillments GET /fulfillments/{id} Gets a Fulfillment by unique identifier
InventoryItemsApi createInventoryItems POST /inventory-items Creates an inventory item.
InventoryItemsApi deleteInventoryItems DELETE /inventory-items/{id} Deletes an inventory item by ID.
InventoryItemsApi listInventoryItems GET /inventory-items Returns a list of inventory items.
InventoryItemsApi retrieveInventoryItems GET /inventory-items/{id} Gets an inventory item by ID.
InventoryItemsApi updateInventoryItems POST /inventory-items/{id} Updates an inventory item.
InventoryLevelsApi listInventoryLevels GET /inventory-levels Returns a list of inventory levels.
InvoicesApi attachSourceToInvoice POST /invoices/{id}/sources/{sourceId} Attach source to invoice.
InvoicesApi createInvoices POST /invoices Creates a new invoice
InvoicesApi deleteInvoices DELETE /invoices/{id} Deletes an invoice.
InvoicesApi detachSourceToInvoice DELETE /invoices/{id}/sources/{sourceId} Deletes a invoice association to source.
InvoicesApi listInvoices GET /invoices Returns a list of invoices
InvoicesApi openInvoices POST /invoices/{id}/open Opens an existing invoice
InvoicesApi retrieveInvoices GET /invoices/{id} Gets an invoice by identifier
InvoicesApi updateInvoices POST /invoices/{id} Updates an existing invoice
InvoicesApi voidInvoices POST /invoices/{id}/void Voids an existing invoice
LogisticsReturnsApi createLogisticsReturns POST /logistics-returns Creates a return
LogisticsReturnsApi listLogisticsReturns GET /logistics-returns Returns a list of returns
LogisticsReturnsApi retrieveLogisticsReturns GET /logistics-returns/{id} Gets a return by ID
OrdersApi createOrders POST /orders Creates a new order.
OrdersApi listOrders GET /orders Returns a list of orders.
OrdersApi retrieveOrderTracking GET /orders/{id}/tracking Tracks Global Logistics shipments.
OrdersApi retrieveOrders GET /orders/{id} Gets an order by ID.
OrdersApi updateOrders POST /orders/{id} Updates an existing order.
PayoutTransactionsApi listPayoutTransactions GET /payouts/{id}/transactions Lists the payout transactions for a payout.
PayoutsApi listPayouts GET /payouts Returns a list of payouts
PayoutsApi retrievePayouts GET /payouts/{id} Gets a payout by ID.
PlansApi createPlans POST /plans Creates a Plan
PlansApi deletePlans DELETE /plans/{id} Deletes a Plan by ID
PlansApi listPlans GET /plans Returns a list of Plans
PlansApi retrievePlans GET /plans/{id} Gets a Plan by ID
PlansApi updatePlans POST /plans/{id} Updates a Plan
RefundsApi createRefunds POST /refunds Creates a refund for an order.
RefundsApi listRefunds GET /refunds Returns a list of refunds
RefundsApi retrieveRefunds GET /refunds/{id} Gets a refund by ID.
RefundsApi updateRefunds POST /refunds/{id} Updates a refund for an order or a specific order charge.
ReservationsApi createReservations POST /reservations Create a reservation
ReservationsApi deleteReservations DELETE /reservations/{id} Cancels a reservation by ID.
ReturnsApi createReturns POST /returns Creates a return
ReturnsApi listReturns GET /returns Returns a list of returns
ReturnsApi retrieveReturns GET /returns/{id} Gets a return by ID
ReturnsApi updateReturns POST /returns/{id} Updates an existing return
SKUsApi createSkus POST /skus Creates a SKU
SKUsApi deleteSkus DELETE /skus/{id} Deletes a SKU by ID
SKUsApi listSkus GET /skus Returns a list of SKUs
SKUsApi retrieveSkus GET /skus/{id} Gets a SKU by ID
SKUsApi updateSkus POST /skus/{id} Updates a SKU
SKUsApi upsertSkus PUT /skus/{id} Upserts a SKU
SalesSummariesApi listSalesSummaries GET /sales-summaries Returns a list of sales summaries
SalesSummariesApi retrieveSalesSummaries GET /sales-summaries/{id} Gets a sales summary by ID.
SalesTransactionsApi listSalesTransactions GET /sales-transactions Returns a list of sales transactions
SalesTransactionsApi retrieveSalesTransactions GET /sales-transactions/{id} Gets a sales transaction by ID.
ShipmentsApi listShipments GET /shipments Returns a list of shipments
ShipmentsApi retrieveShipments GET /shipments/{id} Gets a shipment by ID.
ShippingLabelsApi createShippingLabel POST /shipping-labels Returns shipping label
ShippingLabelsApi listShippingLabel GET /shipping-labels Returns shipping label
ShippingLabelsApi retrieveShippingLabels GET /shipping-labels/{id} Gets a shipping label by ID.
ShippingQuotesApi postShippingQuotes POST /shipping-quotes Returns shipping quotes
SkuGroupsApi listSkuGroups GET /sku-groups Returns a list of SKU Groups
SourcesApi createSources POST /sources Posts a source
SourcesApi retrieveSources GET /sources/{id} Gets a source by identifier
StoreCreditCalloutApi removeStoreCreditsCallout DELETE /checkouts/store-credits/{upstreamId} Remove store credit callout
StoreCreditCalloutApi storeCreditsCallout POST /checkouts/store-credits Store credit callout
SubscriptionsApi deleteSubscriptions DELETE /subscriptions/{id} Deletes a Subscription by ID
SubscriptionsApi listSubscriptions GET /subscriptions Returns a list of Subscriptions
SubscriptionsApi retrieveSubscriptions GET /subscriptions/{id} Gets a Subscription by ID
SubscriptionsApi updateSubscriptions POST /subscriptions/{id} Updates a Subscription
TaxIdentifiersApi createTaxIdentifiers POST /tax-identifiers Creates a new tax identifier
TaxIdentifiersApi deleteTaxIdentifiers DELETE /tax-identifiers/{id} Deletes a tax identifier by ID.
TaxIdentifiersApi listTaxIdentifiers GET /tax-identifiers Returns a list of tax identifiers
TaxIdentifiersApi retrieveTaxIdentifiers GET /tax-identifiers/{id} Gets a tax identifier by ID.
WebhooksApi createWebhooks POST /webhooks Creates a new webhook
WebhooksApi deleteWebhooks DELETE /webhooks/{id} Deletes a webhook endpoint by ID.
WebhooksApi listWebhooks GET /webhooks Returns a list of webhooks
WebhooksApi retrieveWebhooks GET /webhooks/{id} Gets a webhook endpoint by ID.
WebhooksApi updateWebhooks PATCH /webhooks/{id} Updates an existing webhook endpoint

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-API-KEY
  • Location: HTTP header


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication


  • Type: Bearer authentication



PHP SDK for integrating the Digital River API into your commerce app.






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