- It’s a real estate E-commerce website to buy and sell houses.
- Here one can add, edit, delete and post a listing in real-time.
- React is used as Frontend and Firebase as Backend.
- Using Google Geocoding API to get Coordinates for map plotting
- Stripe API is used to handle payments.
Live Link: House Marketplace
Backend Repo:
- Node v10+
- Configured .env file
- Google Account
- Confirm
Ensure the API keys are configured in .env
in this directory. It should include the following keys:
# Google Geocoding API keys - see https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/start
# Path of backend-end implementation.
REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL = "https://backend_app_url.com"
- Install dependencies and start the server
npm install
npm start