This is a simple online shopping cart web application named as ONE SHOP. This has two types of users; administrators and users. Administrators have the ability to create more administrator accounts, create more user accounts, delete administrator accounts, delete user accounts, add products, edit products and delete products. Users have the ability to search or scroll for the products, add them to the cart, remove them from the cart, and go for buying process(payment gateway is not developed in this project). There are some another features in this online shopping cart such like user authorization and showing error messages.
All the files are coded in PHP language with including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Bootstrap is used for keep responsiveness and jQuery is used for smooth page updating processes.
Steps for deploying
When deploy using localhost,
- Download the ShoppingCart-ONESHOP repostory folder.
- Create new database named 'productstore' in your server .
- Import the productstore.sql to that database.
- Place the ShoppingCart-ONESHOP repostory folder in localhost.
- Run the ShoppingCart-ONESHOP/store/ on browser.
Default Credentials
username: admin password: 1234
username: user password: 1234
Few interfaces of this web application:
Our Team Members:
CT/2018/003 -
CT/2018/009 -
CT/2018/013 -
CT/2018/025 -
CT/2018/055 -
CT/2018/061 -