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A basic plugin that can do scoring of password strength as a user types within an input field.


See it live in action on this jsfiddle here or this one.

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How to use

Get MooTools (1.4.5+, ideally 1.5.1). No mootools-more required. Have a password field and some CSS.

	<input type="password" id="foo" />
	div.pass-container {
		height: 30px;

	div.pass-bar {
		height: 11px;
		margin-top: 2px;
	div.pass-hint {
		font-family: arial;
		font-size: 11px;

Create your instance

	new StrongPass("foo", {
		onReady: function() {
			console.log('you can begin typing');
		onPass: function(score, verdict) {
			console.log('pass', score, verdict)
		onFail: function(score, verdict) {
			console.log('fail', score, verdict);
		onBanned: function(word) {
			console.warn(word, 'is not allowed as it is on the bannedPasswords list');

Alternatively, you can just use it as a tool to check and feed back scores without output - so you can script your own via the events instead.

	var indicator = document.getElement('span.pwStrengthResult'),
		colourIndicate = function(level, label) {
				html: label,
				styles: {
					color: this.options.colors[level] || this.options.colors.getLast()

	new StrongPass('foo', {
		bannedPass: 'Very weak (too common)',
		verdicts: [
			'Too Short',
		colors: [
		// tweak scores here
		scores: [
		render: false,
		onPass: function() {
			colourIndicate.apply(this, arguments);
		onFail: function() {
			colourIndicate.apply(this, arguments);

How it works

A series of tests and definitions dictate the total scoring of the string in the input (or an arbitrary string) as a password. Certain logic is applied to do with best practices that helps in the scoring. In terms of configuration of how lax the plugin is, you can use several things.

  • options - can set scores as ranges that map to verdicts. In the example above, anything scoring below 10 will be deemed Too short, between 10 and 30 - Weak and so forth. By upping these values, you can make it more demanding - or less demanding, dependent on what your users are like.
  • length - there are some extra bonuses added for each extra character over the minimum length as the longer a password is, the more time it will take to brute force. The values added here are somewhat arbitrary but you can edit the checkPassword method and set your own values.
  • regex scoring - the class has a static array of simple objects that looks like this:
	checks: [
		/* alphaLower */ {
			re: /[a-z]/,
			score: 1
		/* alphaUpper */ {
			re: /[A-Z]/,
			score: 5
		/* mixture of upper and lowercase */ {
			re: /([a-z].*[A-Z])|([A-Z].*[a-z])/,
			score: 2
		/* threeNumbers */ {
			re: /(.*[0-9].*[0-9].*[0-9])/,
			score: 7
		/* special chars */ {
			re: /.[!@#$%^&*?_~]/,
			score: 5
		/* multiple special chars */ {
			re: /(.*[!@#$%^&*?_~].*[!@#$%^&*?_~])/,
			score: 7
		/* all together now, does it look nice? */ {
			re: /([a-zA-Z0-9].*[!@#$%^&*?_~])|([!@#$%^&*?_~].*[a-zA-Z0-9])/,
			score: 3
		/* password of a single repeated char sucks */ {
			re: /(.)\1+$/,
			score: 2

You can add / push to this array to add further changes or you can edit the regex or the scoring applied. A score can also be negative. For instance, we add 2 bonus points if the password has more than 1 letter so it's not just something like aaaaaa to make it pass. This is a 'positive' score that awards variety but you can easily reverse the check and the result of the regex to a penalising one by doing:

/* password of a single char sucks A LOT */ {
	re: /^(.)\1+$/,
	score: -20


Via Buster.js, go to test/index.html to run.

You can also test via node and Grunt. To install buster:

$ npm install -g buster phantomjs

To install locally:

$ npm install

To test, either of these works (via PhantomJS):

$ npm test
$ grunt

To start in capture mode for multiple browsers:

$ buster-server &

Once you have captured your target browsers, just run:

$ open http://localhost:1111/capture
$ buster-test -r specification

Using under AMD

You can now just use RequireJS or Almond or similar to load the Class:

	require(['js/StrongPass'], function(StrongPass){
		new StrongPass({});

	// or mixin / extend and do your own
	define(['js/StrongPass'], function(StrongPass){
		return new Class({
			Extends: StrongPass,

If an AMD compatible define is found, it will be preferred to global object.


Licensed under the MIT License. You are not allowed to use for evil