A MooTools select element styling replacement Class done as a progressive enhancement. Tested and working on: IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, FF3+, Chromium 5+, Safari 4.0.4+, (please report others to christoff at gmail.com)
Style-able entirely through CSS with the original element events intact, adhering to tabindex, keyboard navigation and so forth.
The "real" selects are being placed off-screen so their functionality is completely preserved in that any forms with them will continue working as per usual.
Now updated for MooTools 1.4.2 without compatibility mode.
Default skin:
Skin using elements from http://www.emblematiq.com/lab/niceforms/
You need to setup your CSS classes based upon the ones already provided in the Example/css directory. Look at the options part of the mootools class to see what bits are customisable and follow the example.
To glue it all together, just include the mootools-core and then mooSelecta.js
Within your domready or load callback function, create an instance with whatever options suit you:
var selecta = new mooSelecta({
selector: "select.selecta"
new mooSelecta({
selector: "select.selecta2",
triggerClass: "selecta2",
triggerPadding: 24,
triggerBeforeImage: "/img/select-left.png",
triggerBeforeImageWidth: 3,
triggerBeforeImageHeight: 21,
wrapperClass: "selecta2Wrapper",
wrapperWidthAdjustment: 0,
optionClass: "selecta2Option",
optionClassSelected: "selecta2OptionSelected",
optionClassOver: "selecta2OptionOver"
The class itself has plenty of comments throughout so feel free to look at the source code. That being said, there are the following useful methods you can call:
.replaceSelect(el); // applies the current style to a new select element. Also useful if you build options on the fly and change existing selects
.bindListeners(); // a somewhat private method that will enable listen events for any and all subsequent **mooSelectas**
._addOption(option, el, selected); // adding options to the dropdown wrapper.
._toggleOptions(el); // opens or shuts the options list on a select that has been focused
._hideOptions(); // closes all open options.
._clearSelection(); // attempt to avoid text node selection when clicking on an option trigger
- Problems with Opera and .fireEvent("click") and the resulting .stop(), causing keyboard navigation issues when pressing enter.
Obviously, the select elements are very complex and OS-driven components that incorporate a number of usability features, albeit -- implemented very differently across browsers. You cannot possibly hope to write a single tool that can mimic all known behaviours across the different operating systems either. It's a simple usability decision on what works and what does not, feel free to tweak it to your liking or to the liking of your users.