numpy implementation of mere and locally-weighted logistic regression for binary classification problem.
---- Input In both cases training data X,Y is passed to the class constructor. X - 2D array of covariates, each row corresponds to one training instance. Y - vector or 1D array of appropriate (ordered the same way rows of X are) labels. Note: In ordinary logistic regression it is assumed that input X does not contain column of ones responsible for bias, and is automatically added, while input for LW logistic regression should be augmented with that column manually.
---- contains class which implements ordinary l_2-regularized logistic regression. The likelihood is optimized via Newton's method.
---- file contains class which implements l_2-regularized locally-weighted logistic regression. The weightening function is chosen to be Gaussian function. The likelihood is optimized via Newton's method.
---- Usage: Ordinary Call train(reg, accuracy) to train the model. Values of parameter vector is stored in class variable theta. Call predict(self, x, probabilities) to obtain predictions. reg - regularization constant (optional); accuracy - algorithm stops when two-norm of step parameters update is equal to specified value (optional); x - matrix of observations to predict; probabilities - boolean parameter, set to True if you want probabilities to be output besides labels(optional).
To predict simply call predict(x, tau, reg, accuracy) from class instance. Here: x - row of covariates to be labeled; tau - weight bandwidth parameter (optional); reg - regularization constant (optional); accuracy - algorithm stops when two-norm of step parameters update is equal to specified value (optional).
---- Repo also contains example of training dataset x.dat, y.dat.
---- shows how to use LWLogR.