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Profanity List

ClearlyElevated edited this page Aug 24, 2020 · 1 revision
Word List Provided By Facebook Dev Team

4r5e, 50 yard cunt punt, 5h1t, 5hit, a_s_s, a2m, a, a55, ahole, a55hole, adult, aeolus, ahole, amateur, anal, anal impaler , anal leakage , analprobe, anilingus, anus, ar5e, areola, areole, arian, arrse, arse, arsehole, aryan, ass, ass fuck , ass hole, ass-fucker, assbang, assbanged, assbangs, asses, assfuck, assfucker, assfukka, assh0le, asshat, assho1e, asshole, assholes, assmaster, assmucus , assmunch, asswhole, asswipe, asswipes, autoerotic, azazel, azz, b!tch, b00bs, b17ch, b1tch, babe, babes, ballbag, ballsack, bang, bang (one’s) box , bangbros, banger, bareback, barf, bastard, bastards, bawdy, beaner, beardedclam, beastial, beastiality, beatch, beater, beaver, beef curtain , beer, beeyotch, bellend, beotch, bestial, bestiality, bi+ch, biatch, big tits, bigtits, bimbo, bimbos, birdlock, bitch, bitch tit , bitched, bitcher, bitchers, bitches, bitchin, bitching, bitchy, bloody, blow, blow job, blow me , blow mud , blowjob, blowjobs, blue waffle , blumpkin , bod, bodily, boink, boiolas, bollock, bollocks, bollok, bone, boned, boner, boners, bong, boob, boobies, boobs, booby, booger, bookie, booobs, boooobs, booooobs, booooooobs, bootee, bootie, booty, booze, boozer, boozy, bosom, bosomy, bowel, bowels, bra, brassiere, breast, breasts, buceta, bugger, bukkake, bull shit, bullshit, bullshits, bullshitted, bullturds, bum, bung, bunny fucker, bust a load , busty, butt, butt fuck, butt fuck , buttfuck, buttfucker, butthole, buttmuch, buttplug, c-0-c-k, c-o-c-k, c-u-n-t, c.0.c.k, c.o.c.k., c.u.n.t, c0ck, c0cksucker, caca, cahone, cameltoe, carpet muncher, carpetmuncher, cawk, cervix, chinc, chincs, chink, choade , chode, chodes, chota bags , cipa, cl1t, climax, clit, clit licker , clitoris, clitorus, clits, clitty, clitty litter , clusterfuck, cnut, cocain, cocaine, cock, cock pocket , cock snot , cock sucker, cock-sucker, cockblock, cockface, cockhead, cockholster, cockknocker, cockmunch, cockmuncher, cocks, cocksmoker, cocksuck, cocksucked, cocksucker, cocksucking, cocksucks, cocksuka, cocksukka, coital, cok, cokmuncher, coksucka, commie, condom, coon, coons, cop some wood , corksucker, cornhole , corp whore , cox, crabs, crack, cracker, crackwhore, crap, crappy, cum, cum chugger , cum dumpster , cum freak , cum guzzler , cumdump , cummer, cummin, cumming, cums, cumshot, cumshots, cumslut, cumstain, cunilingus, cunillingus, cunnilingus, cunny, cunt, cunt hair , cunt-struck , cuntbag , cuntface, cunthunter, cuntlick, cuntlick , cuntlicker, cuntlicker , cuntlicking , cunts, cuntsicle , cut rope , cyalis, cyberfuc, cyberfuck , cyberfucked, cyberfucker, cyberfuckers, cyberfucking, d0ng, d0uch3, d0uche, d1ck, d1ld0, d1ldo, dago, dagos, dammit, damn, damned, damnit, dawgie-style, dick, dick hole , dick shy , dick-ish, dickbag, dickdipper, dickface, dickflipper, dickhead, dickheads, dickish, dickripper, dicksipper, dickweed, dickwhipper, dickzipper, diddle, dike, dildo, dildos, diligaf, dillweed, dimwit, dingle, dink, dinks, dipship, dirsa, dirty Sanchez , dlck, dog-fucker, doggie style, doggie-style, doggiestyle, doggin, dogging, doggy-style, dong, donkeyribber, doofus, doosh, dopey, douch3, douche, douchebag, douchebags, douchey, drunk, duche, dumass, dumbass, dumbasses, dummy, dyke, dykes, eat a dick , eat hair pie , ejaculate, ejaculated, ejaculates, ejaculating, ejaculatings, ejaculation, ejakulate, enlargement, erect, erection, erotic, essohbee, extacy, extasy, f u c k, f u c k e r, f_u_c_k, f-u-c-k, f.u.c.k, f4nny, facial , fack, fag, fagg, fagged, fagging, faggit, faggitt, faggot, faggs, fagot, fagots, fags, faig, faigt, fanny, fannybandit, fannyflaps, fannyfucker, fanyy, fart, fartknocker, fat, fatass, fcuk, fcuker, fcuking, feck, fecker, felch, felcher, felching, fellate, fellatio, feltch, feltcher, fingerfuck, fingerfucked, fingerfucker , fingerfuckers, fingerfucking, fingerfucks, fist fuck , fisted, fistfuck, fistfucked, fistfucker , fistfuckers, fistfucking, fistfuckings, fistfucks, fisting, fisty, flange, flog the log , floozy, foad, fondle, foobar, fook, fooker, foreskin, freex, frigg, frigga, fubar, fuck, fuck , fuck hole , fuck puppet , fuck trophy , fuck yo mama , fuck-ass , fuck-bitch , fuck-tard, fucka, fuckass, fucked, fucker, fuckers, fuckface, fuckhead, fuckheads, fuckin, fucking, fuckings, fuckingshitmotherfucker, fuckme, fuckmeat , fucknugget, fucknut, fuckoff, fucks, fucktard, fucktoy , fuckup, fuckwad, fuckwhit, fuckwit, fudge packer, fudgepacker, fuk, fuker, fukker, fukkin, fuks, fukwhit, fukwit, fux, fux0r, fvck, fxck, g-spot, gae, gai, gang-bang , gangbang, gangbang , gangbanged, gangbangs, ganja, gassy ass , gay, gaylord, gays, gaysex, gey, gfy, ghay, ghey, gigolo, glans, goatse, god, god damn, god-dam, god-damned, godamn, godamnit, goddam, goddammit, goddamn, goddamned, goldenshower, gonad, gonads, gook, gooks, gringo, gspot, gtfo, guido, h0m0, h0mo, ham flap , handjob, hard on, hardcoresex, he11, hebe, heeb, hell, hemp, heroin, herp, herpes, herpy, heshe, hitler, hiv, hoar, hoare, hobag, hoer, hom0, homey, homo, homoerotic, homoey, honky, hooch, hookah, hooker, hoor, hootch, hooter, hooters, hore, horniest, horny, hotsex, how to kill, how to murdep, hump, humped, humping, hussy, hymen, inbred, incest, injun, j3rk0ff, jack-off, jackass, jackhole, jackoff, jap, japs, jerk, jerk-off, jerk0ff, jerked, jerkoff, jism, jiz, jizm, jizz, jizzed, junkie, junky, kawk, kike, kikes, kill, kinky, kinky Jesus , kkk, klan, knob, knob end, knobead, knobed, knobend, knobhead, knobjocky, knobjokey, kock, kondum, kondums, kooch, kooches, kootch, kraut, kum, kummer, kumming, kums, kunilingus, kwif , kyke, l3i+ch, l3itch, labia, lech, LEN, leper, lesbians, lesbo, lesbos, lez, lezbian, lezbians, lezbo, lezbos, lezzie, lezzies, lezzy, lmao, lmfao, loin, loins, lube, lust, lusting, lusty, m-fucking, m0f0, m0fo, m45terbate, ma5terb8, ma5terbate, mafugly , mams, masochist, massa, master-bate, masterb8, masterbat*, masterbat3, masterbate, masterbating, masterbation, masterbations, masturbate, masturbating, masturbation, maxi, menses, menstruate, menstruation, meth, mo-fo, mof0, mofo, molest, moolie, moron, mothafuck, mothafucka, mothafuckas, mothafuckaz, mothafucked, mothafucker, mothafuckers, mothafuckin, mothafucking, mothafuckings, mothafucks, mother fucker, mother fucker , motherfuck, motherfucka, motherfucked, motherfucker, motherfuckers, motherfuckin, motherfucking, motherfuckings, motherfuckka, motherfucks, mtherfucker, mthrfucker, mthrfucking, muff, muff puff , muffdiver, murder, mutha, muthafecker, muthafuckaz, muthafucker, muthafuckker, muther, mutherfucker, mutherfucking, muthrfucking, n1gga, n1gger, nad, nads, naked, napalm, nappy, nazi, nazism, need the dick , negro, nigg3r, nigg4h, nigga, niggah, niggas, niggaz, nigger, niggers, niggle, niglet, nimrod, ninny, nipple, nob, nob jokey, nobhead, nobjocky, nobjokey, nooky, numbnuts, nut butter , nutsack, nympho, omg, opiate, opium, oral, orally, organ, orgasim , orgasims , orgasm, orgasmic, orgasms , orgies, orgy, ovary, ovum, ovums, p.u.s.s.y., p0rn, paddy, paki, pantie, panties, panty, pastie, pasty, pawn, pcp, pecker, pedo, pedophile, pedophilia, pedophiliac, pee, peepee, penetrate, penetration, penial, penile, penis, penisfucker, perversion, peyote, phalli, phallic, phonesex, phuck, phuk, phuked, phuking, phukked, phukking, phuks, phuq, pigfucker, pillowbiter, pimp, pimpis, pinko, piss, piss-off, pissed, pisser, pissers, pisses , pissflaps, pissin, pissing, pissoff, pissoff , pms, polack, pollock, poon, poontang, poop, porn, porno, pornography, pornos, pot, potty, prick, pricks, prig, pron, prostitute, prude, pube, pubic, pubis, punkass, punky, puss, pusse, pussi, pussies, pussy, pussy fart , pussy palace , pussypounder, pussys, puto, queaf, queaf , queef, queer, queero, queers, quicky, quim, r-tard, racy, rape, raped, raper, rapist, raunch, rectal, rectum, rectus, reefer, reetard, reich, retard, retarded, revue, rimjaw, rimjob, rimming, ritard, rtard, rum, rump, rumprammer, ruski, s hit, s_h_i_t, s-h-1-t, s-h-i-t, s-o-b, s.h.i.t., s.o.b., s0b, sadism, sadist, sandbar , sausage queen , scag, scantily, schizo, schlong, screw, screwed, screwing, scroat, scrog, scrot, scrote, scrotum, scrud, scum, seaman, seamen, seduce, semen, sex, sexual, sh!, sh!t, sh1t, shag, shagger, shaggin, shagging, shamedame, shemale, shi, shit, shit fucker , shitdick, shite, shiteater, shited, shitey, shitface, shitfuck, shitfull, shithead, shithole, shithouse, shiting, shitings, shits, shitt, shitted, shitter, shitters, shitting, shittings, shitty, shiz, sissy, skag, skank, slave, sleaze, sleazy, slope , slut, slut bucket , slutdumper, slutkiss, sluts, smegma, smut, smutty, snatch, sniper, snuff, sodom, son-of-a-bitch, souse, soused, spac, sperm, spic, spick, spik, spiks, spooge, spunk, steamy, stfu, stiffy, stoned, strip, stroke, stupid, suck, sucked, sucking, sumofabiatch, t1t, t1tt1e5, t1tties, tampon, tard, tawdry, teabagging, teat, teets, teez, terd, teste, testee, testes, testical, testicle, testis, thrust, thug, tinkle, tit, tit wank , titfuck, titi, tits, titt, tittie5, tittiefucker, titties, titty, tittyfuck, tittyfucker, tittywank, titwank, toke, toots, tosser, tramp, transsexual, trashy, tubgirl, turd, tush, tw4t, twat, twathead, twats, twatty, twunt, twunter, ugly, undies, unwed, urinal, urine, uterus, uzi, v14gra, v1gra, vag, vagina, valium, viagra, virgin, vixen, vodka, vomit, voyeur, vulgar, vulva, w00se, wad, wang, wank, wanker, wanky, wazoo, wedgie, weed, weenie, weewee, weiner, weirdo, wench, wetback, wh0re, wh0reface, whitey, whiz, whoar, whoralicious, whore, whorealicious, whored, whoreface, whorehopper, whorehouse, whores, whoring, wigger, willies, willy, womb, woody, wop, wtf, x-rated, xrated, xxx, yeasty, yobbo, zoophile

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