Releases: DjangoGirls/tutorial
Releases · DjangoGirls/tutorial
Django Girls Tutorial 1.3
This release of the Tutorial doesn't bring any major changes, but lots of minor bits & pieces.
- we moved to Gitbook 2.0! (thanks @aniav! ✨)
- updated Gitbook plugins
- a lot of consistency fixes across whole tutorial
- some chapters have been run through Hemingway App
- published Portugese Brazilian translation!
- new release of Spanish translation!
- many, many more!
Deploy with Python Anywhere
The biggest change in this release was switching from Heroku to Python Anywhere in a deploy chapter.
Other changes include:
- publishing of French translation
- more explanations of regexes
- syntax highlighting of code blocks in the tutorial
- fixing typos
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this huge release! 🎉
Introduced Django 1.8
Also added some typo fixes.
First official release
I have created this release with an addition of year, month and day metadata. I have used this guide for creating the release: