Doesn't support latest game version yet, update coming soon!
Randomizes enemies in a challenging and unexpected way, every time you load a level.
It is challenging and it will test how fast you can adapt and figure out how to clear the kill rooms.
It is 100% harder then the classic difficulty.
After months of hard work, we're excited to announce the open beta for this project!
Download: Download latest version(the EXE file)
Please read How to use section below.
What's new:Latest Changelog.
- Enemies(all types)
- Shield Orbs
- CV objects (orbs, keys, platforms, jump-pads, buttons)
- Checkpoints
- Uplinks(Shurikens, Super-Jumps, Slowmos)
- Rotating Billboards
- ToggleableFans (Amida fans)
- Shuriken Targets (hits needed)
- Train Signs (on Faster)
- World Triggers
- Menu UI: GameMode selection (Mod description)
- Abilities: Tempest refund for HC increased to 3 kills
- Awakening
- Look Inside + CV
- The Climb + CV
- Jacked Up
- Breathe In + CV
- Road To Amida + CV
- Run Up
- GateKeeper
- Dharma City
- Echoes + CV
- Faster
- SurgeCV
- Forbidden Zone
- Reign In Hell + CV
- Things You Wouldn't Believe
- The Monster
All Hardcore levels are RNG supported, besides the last level(The Monster).
Simple! Launch GhostrunnerRNG.exe and start any level(or new game).
YOU MUST RESTART CHECKPOINT after entering a level to make rng work!
Meaning once you got the first checkpoint ► restart checkpoint.
(the new Forced Instant-Restart feature should take care of it)
The exe window will show relevant info regarding the rng.
- Cybervoid Levels
- Classic Levels (besides Hel & Mara)
- Hardcore Levels
- Abilities
- Boss levels
- Custom modes
- Tasks + custom overlay
- Reward system
- More RNG!
Changelog [0.4.0]
- RNG for all hardcore levels.
- Added: Easy difficulty for casual RNG.
- Added: Tempest refund color + description change for HC.
- Fixed: TYWB, wrong splitters spawn.
- Fixed: Faster, stuck "new-upgrade" message.
- Fixed: Faster, Double-signs.
- Fixed: RunUp, wrong cp (double geckos hallway).
- Fixed: Echoes, wrong drone warps.
- Changed: BreatheIn and RunUp buffed.
- Changed: bug fixes and spawn balance.
- Removed: SR Difficulty (it's boring).
- Code: Major code refactoring.
Designed and coded by DmgVol and LongerWarrior.
Huge thanks to the GR community for alpha testing and supporting the mod from early stages of development!
Special Thanks: JanisSG.
Since this is an early stage of the mod and does not reflect the final version, you may and will experience bugs.
Please do not hesitate to report any bugs/issues/suggestions in GRSR Discord or Official GR Discord!
Basically, anyone who's looking for a new GR challenge, could be someone who speedruns the game, thinks the game is too predictable/easy, or just wants a new challenge.
The mod works similar to a game trainer, it reads and modifies game memory, so your antivirus might alert you - that's normal and expected.
The main memory reading/writing happens when the level is fully loaded(in the first few seconds), so if the game crashes mid-run.. that's not the mod!