These software are for use with the SensEgg-Light sensor (See what SensEgg is) and a matching receiver.
The SensEgg-Light sensor is used to record temperature, humidity and air pressure. It features a very low power consumption (quiescent current < 10µA) and can be operated with a 3V CR2032 coin cell for more than one year.
The measurement data is sent to a receiver every minute with an nRF24 transmitter.
The receiver software can be used to process the Sens-Egg data with ioBroker: Link to scripts for use with ioBroker.
Sensegg Ligt without BME280 and NTC (ATtiny1604 µController).
SensEgglight with NTC and a socket for plugging on a BME280 sensor.
Quiescent current of a SensEgg-Light sensor
Arduino Nano Clone as receiver and serial gateway to for example a Raspberry Pi with ioBroker.