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DodiyaParth edited this page Nov 30, 2020 · 4 revisions

Comparison of Rate Adaptation Algorithms Compatible with IEEE 802.11ac implemented in NS-3

NS-3 supports ​ three ​ rate-adaptation algorithm Which works with IEEE standard ​802.11c​, namely

  1. ConstantRate
  2. MinstrelHt
  3. Ideal

Implementation of Each of them can be found in ns-3/modules/...

  1. ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager​ - use constant rates for data and RTS transmissions. This class always uses the same transmission rate for every packet sent.
  2. ns3::IdealWifiManager​ - This class implements an 'ideal' rate control algorithm similar to RBAR in spirit (see A rate-adaptive MAC protocol for multihop wireless networks by G.
  3. ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager​ - Minstrel-HT is a rate adaptation mechanism for the 802.11n/ac standard based on Minstrel, and is based on the approach of probing the channel to dynamically learn about working rates that can be supported

For the comparison these Rate Adaptation Algorithms, We have used topology from the below paper.

Reference Paper : A comparative simulation study of rate adaptation algorithms in wireless LANs

Used Topology

The above figure shows the topology we used for the comparison of the RAAs which we created by modifying the file “​ examples/tutorials/” ​ in ns-3. The topology contains 10 wired LAN nodes connected to each other and one of the nodes is connected to the stationary Access Point(AP) of the Wireless Network using a point to point link with 50Mbps bandwidth and 10ms delay.

Simulation Parameters

Error Rate Model NistErrorRateModel
Channel Delay Model ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel
Channel Loss Model LogDistancePropagationLossModel
MAC(Station/AP) Type Sta WifiMac/ ApWifiMac
Application Data Rate 1 Mbps
Packet Size 1024 bytes
Number of nodes 10/24 Nodes
Mobility Model RandomDirectional2dMobilityModel
Mobility Speed Random Variable : U(15.0 mps, 20.0 mps)
Simulation Topology of Wifi nodes Grid, rectangle range: (-100m, 100m, -100m, 100m)


We have simulated this topology with three different RAAs (Ideal, Constant & MinstrelHT) And No. of STAs from 3 to 12. From, Those simulations we got values of average Throughput and average Delay which can be seen in the below Images.

For all the experiments we have plotted Throughput vs Time And Delay vs Time graphs. Which can be seen as GIF below,

Throughput GIF Delay GIF

Inferences from the above Experiment

  1. The performance of Ideal RAA was better than the other two in each and every case.
  2. The throughput and delay of Ideal RAA had the least fluctuations observed.
  3. MinstrelHt RAA gets the second best throughput exceeding the performance of ConstantRate manifold but fluctuations in throughput are very starc.
  4. The delay of MinstrelHt comes very close to Ideal RAA in almost every case.