I'm a software engineering student at College of Economics and Computer Sience in Krakau. My goal is to develop scalable, maintainable and user-friendly web applications that provide a seamless user experience. I am constantly learning and experimenting new technologies and frameworks to find the best solutions to the problems at hand. π
πββοΈ Something about me
- π¦ I'm 22 years old
- π Born 11th October
- π± I'm coding in JavaScript, TypeScript and C#
- π I'm learning React and its ecosystem
π± Main and Favourite Stack
π¨βπ» VSCode Settings
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Kanban Task Management allows users to manage their tasks and boards efficiently. The app features a sleek user interface with support for dark and light themes. Users can perform CRUD operations on tasks and boards, create an account using their email address.
π» Link to repository: https://github.com/DomZem/task-management-next-app
Invoice allows users to read invoices with pagination, filter them by status (Draft, Pending, Paid), and displays toasts for every mutation operation.
π» Link to repository: https://github.com/DomZem/invoice-next-app