A small library to allow you to express the non-emptiness of a collection through its type.
This framework is no longer being maintained.
Other functional languages get dependent types, why not Swift?
It's quite common that when decoding json to a network model which contains a list of items, we will check that the list exists and also that it contains at least one item. If we don't have the non-empty list, then we don't have a valid model and we throw an error.
But once you pass that model out of the networking layer, that knowledge of non-emptiness is lost, and you'll find yourself consuming that network model somewhere and either checking again that the list is empty (bad), or force-unwrapping somewhere along the way (worse).
What if, when decoding the model, you could encode in the model property types that your list of items was indeed non-empty?
git "DomainGroupOSS/swift-non-empty" "0.1.1"
pod "SwiftNonEmpty", "0.1.1"
struct OnlyValidIfPopulatedModel {
let aNonEmptyListOfNonEmptyStrings: [String]
init?(json: [String: Any]) {
let aPossibleList = json["list"],
let aDefiniteListOfStrings = aPossibleList as? [String],
!aDefiniteListOfStrings.contains(where: { $0.isEmpty })
else {
return nil
self.aNonEmptyListOfNonEmptyStrings = aDefiniteListOfStrings
func doDangerousThings(with model: OnlyValidIfPopulatedModel) throws {
let lastCharacterOfFirstString = model.aNonEmptyListOfNonEmptyStrings.first!.last!
func doSafeThings(with model: OnlyValidIfPopulatedModel) throws {
guard let firstString = model.aNonEmptyListOfNonEmptyStrings.first else {
throw PlaceholderError()
guard let lastCharacterOfFirstString = firstString.last else {
throw PlaceholderError()
struct OnlyValidIfPopulatedModel {
let aNonEmptyListOfNonEmptyStrings: Array<String.NonEmpty>.NonEmpty
init?(selfDocumenting json: [String: Any]) {
let aPossibleList = json["list"],
let aDefiniteListOfStrings = aPossibleList as? [String]
else {
return nil
let aDefiniteListOfNonEmptyStrings = aDefiniteListOfStrings.compactMap({ string in string.nonEmpty })
guard let aDefinitelyNonEmptyListOfNonEmptyStrings = aDefiniteListOfNonEmptyStrings.nonEmpty else {
return nil
self.aNonEmptyListOfNonEmptyStrings = aDefinitelyNonEmptyListOfNonEmptyStrings
init?(moreCompact json: [String: Any]) {
guard let strings = json["list"]
.flatMap({ $0 as? [String] })?
.compactMap({ $0.nonEmpty })
else {
return nil
self.aNonEmptyListOfNonEmptyStrings = strings
func doSafeThings(with model: OnlyValidIfPopulatedModel) throws {
let firstString = model.aNonEmptyListOfNonEmptyStrings.knownFirst
let lastCharacterOfFirstString = firstString.knownLast