$ pip3 install tabulate
$ pip3 install pypiserver
$ pip3 install databases
$ pip3 install logging
$ pip3 install nrfutil
link to fix bug on nrfutil = links
Terminal to run Cooja
cd tools/cooja
ant run
Terminal for Mosquitto:
sudo mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
Terminal for Border router:
cd contiki-ng/IoTProject/sensors/rpl-border-router
make TARGET=cooja connect-router-cooja
Terminal for Python Server:
cd contiki-ng/IoTProject/collector/
python3 provaServer.py
Flash Mqtt:
cd contiki-ng/IoTProject/sensors/mqtt-sensor
make TARGET=nrf52840 BOARD=dongle mqtt-client.dfu-upload PORT=/dev/ttyACM0
make TARGET=nrf52840 BOARD=dongle login PORT=/dev/ttyACM0
Flash Border router & run:
cd contiki-ng/IoTProject/sensors/rpl-border-router
make TARGET=nrf52840 BOARD=dongle border-router.dfu-upload PORT=/dev/ttyACM0
make TARGET=nrf52840 BOARD=dongle connect-router PORT=/dev/ttyACM0
Flash Coap:
cd contiki-ng/IoTProject/sensors/coap-sensor
make TARGET=nrf52840 BOARD=dongle coap_sensor.dfu-upload PORT=/dev/ttyACM0
Sql terminal command:
sudo mysql -u root -p
use name_db;
show tables;
DROP TABLE name_table;
CREATE TABLE name_table (valeìue FLOAT NOT NULL,...);
Our project aims to create a home monitoring system , environmental factors and an intrusion detection system. All the data are then saved in a database. "mqtt" sensors take care of the monitoring part of gas , lighting , temperature and humidity. "Coap" sensors deal with the intrusion system , as soon as the motion sensors sense the intruder , the alarm is triggered and gradually increases in intensity. To manually stop the alarm , just press the button of one of the alarms
The mqtt sensors take care of monitoring some parameters including gas, light,temperature and humidity in the room.
As soon as they started, they connect to the border router deployed on a physical sensor, while the message broker used was deployed on the Vm,Mosquittos broker was chosen.
If the sensor connects to the border router , the LEDs are turned on for a short time to signal that the connection has been made.
Once the connection is made, the data is sent in json format,on the topic "info". Not having the actual sensors, the data are randomly generated with the rand()function.
hidit= d() % |
umyran |
This is the message sent to the broker:
sprintf(app_buffer,"{"temp":%d,"humidity":%d,"light":%d,"gas":%d}”,temp,humidity, light, gas);
As soon as the app receives the data via json (onMessage()sensors , it extracts the data and makes a query to the SQL Database to insert it into the table "mqttsensors" , with an associated timestamp , useful for graph visualization.
sql = "INSERT INTO "mqttsensors'("temperature","humidity","Light",'gas') VALUES (%s, %s, %s , %s)"
A thread is created for the mqtt client.
Testing on cooja, you can see that messages are sent and received correctly:
01:14.995 | ID:2 | Check connected |
01:14.995 | ID:2 | Message: {"temp":17,"humidity":95, "light":2,"gas":23} |
01:44.995 | ID:2 | Message: {"temp":9, "humidity":52, "light":2,"gas":70} |
02:14.995 | ID:2 | Message:{"temp":32, "humidity":61, "light":1, "gas":5} |
Filter: |
And they are also correctly entered on the DB:
timestamp light temperature humidity gas |
2022-07-23 09:22:56 DARK 17 - 95 232022-07-23 09:23:08 DARK 9 52 702022-07-23 09:23:11 RELAX 32 61 5 |
Coap implementation
"Coap" sensors take care of the alarm system; we have the motion sensors placed in various parts of the house, which detect movement and start an alarm when movement is detected. In order to do that, we have two resources, a motion resource and an alert resource. The motion resource randomly generates motion data with a timer, having no physical sensors.
The sensor client was done by dividing the threads for recording and detecting the state change, so as to avoid problems caused by synchronization of threads,detected in the testing phase.
When the sensors register to the Python Server, they are instantiated with the resource class, and the observation of the sensor "Motion" begins , which detects any change in state.
When the sensors connect to the border router, the LEDs areturned on for a short time to signal that the connection has been made.
As soon as the state of the resource changes, a query is made to the MySQL database of the sensor , and a POST is made to the alarm to turn the alarm on or off.
response = self.client.post( lf.actuator_resource,$^ { \prime \prime } O F F ^ { \prime \prime } )$
sql = "INSERT INTO 'coapsensorsmotion' ('value`) VALUES (%s)
When an intruder is detected, the alarm is activated. It emits a variable intensity sound, in fact the intensity is increased according to the time of the intruder detection.
char val2 = ísActive == 1 ? 'T': 'N';
strcpy( Dest: msg, Source: "{"info":"");
strncat(Dest:msg,Source: &val2, Count: 1);
Communication via json was also used for these sensor types, here is an example of creating the GET message of the alarm:
strcat(Dest: msg, Source: "", "intensity":"");char intensity_str[400];
sprintf(intensity_str,"%d", intensity);
//printf("intensity: %s\n",intensity_str);
strcat( Dest: msg, Source: intensity_str);
strcat( Dest:msg,Source: ""}");
printf("MSG: %s\n",msg);
It is saved in the Database , the signal intensity and actual alarm activation combined with a timestamp, useful data for graphing in Graph.
59L="INSERT INTO 'coapsensorsalarm'( value 'intensity
) VALUES (%s, %s)
To disable/enable the alarm and motion detection in manual mode, you can press the button of any sensor.
After the connection and registration phase , the sensor emits a light signal, to signal that the sensor is actually activated.
1.we see the motion sensor changing state:
02:58.167 | ID:2 | Trigger Motion |
02:58.167 | ID:2 | MSG res.c invio : {"isDetected":"T"} |
Callback calledresource arrived |
,{"isDetected":"T", "info":"T", "intensity":"10"}{"isDetected": "T", "info":"T", "intensity": "10"}Detection value motion node :['T'][ '10'] |
3.The server makes a query to the database with"iDtctd=1",the intensity of the alarm and the timestamp:
value alarm | in | tensity | timestamp |
0N | 10 | 2022-09-08 11:37:09 | |
1 T | 10 | 2022-09-0811:37:18 | |
1 T | 10 | 2022-09-0811:37:19 | |
0 N | 20 | 2022-09-08 11:38:18 | |
0 N | 20 | 2022-09-08 11:38:24 |
01:46.890 | ID:4 | Trigger Motion |
01:46.890 | ID:4 | MSG res_motion send : {"isDetected":"N", "info":"N","intensity":"20"} |
01:46.950 | ID:4 | entered in POST function! |
01:46.950 | ID:4 | [DBG:motion sensorl POST/PUT Request Sent |
01:46.950 | ID:4 | Post handler called |
01:47.258 | ID:5 | Trigger Motion |
01:47.258 | ID:5 | MSG res motion send :{"isDetected":"N", "info":"N" "intensity":"20"} |
01:47.441 | ID:3 | Message:{"temp":5, "humidity":71,"light":0,"gas":17}, |
01:49.443 | ID:5 | entered in POST function! |
01:49.443 | ID:5 | [DBG: motion sensor] POST/PUT Request Sent |
01:49.443 | ID:5 | Post handler called |
The Python library "pymysql" was used to create the SQL server with the following access data:
databa$b a s e = ^ { \prime } \cot t o r ^ { \prime } .$
With 2 tables inside:
mqttsensors=for temperature, gas, light, humidity info of mqtt sensors.
coapsensorsmotion = for tracking detected movements and associated alarms over time.
We used Grafana for visualization of the data collected from the sensors and saved in a SQL database, coupling them with timestamp.
Recommended use of Chrome.
We update the graphs every 30 seconds.
2.Chart for Temperature
3.Chart for the luminosity of the room
4.Chart for the humidity
- Dashboard for the intensity of the alarm updated real time value have a range 10-100.