A CloudNet & SimpleCloud Module api to register commands on your proxy and use them
Doesn't work with the current CloudNet release, you need to activate "cloudnet.snapshots.use-snapshots" in launcher.cnl
Cloud | Compatibility | API-Version |
CloudNet 3 | ✔️ | 3.4 |
SimpleCloud | ✔️ | 2.1.0 |
Proxy | Compatibility | API-Version |
Bungeecord | ✔️ | 1.16-R0.5 |
Velocity | ✔️ | 1.1.5 |
Download the jar and put it into your modules folder and into your proxy plugins folder. Restart the proxy and reload the cloud.
You need to use the command manager to use any feature of this api. In all future code examples this variable will be used.
ProxyCommandManagement manager = ProxyCommandsAPI.getCommandsManagement();
The registerCommand methods uses an instance of ProxyCommandInfo which gives all information the proxy needs to register the command, and a ProxyCommandExecutor which has a method execute with a sender, the command and the arguments.
You can only give a command name, or you can also give a permission and aliases.
If the command comes from a player the IProxyCommandSender will be overwritten by ProxyPlayerCommandSender, if the command comes from the console it will be overwritten by ProxyConsoleCommandSendet
manager.registerCommand(new ProxyCommandInfo("test", "system.testcommand", "t"), (sender, command, args) -> {
manager.registerCommand(new ProxyCommandInfo("test", "system.testcommand", "t"), new TestCommand());
import net.codingarea.cloudbungeecmds.module.api.command.ProxyCommandExecutor;
public class TestCommand implements ProxyCommandExecutor {
public void execute(IProxyCommandSender sender, String command, String[] args) {
To unregister a command from all proxy instances just use this code: