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Context and Suspended

Ahmad K. Bawaneh edited this page Feb 16, 2020 · 1 revision

@Context And @Suspended

Domino-rest is supposed to generate clients for JAX-RS resource interfaces, and is not responsible about how these interfaces are implemented in the server, knowing that we now that @Context is supposed to be injected into the implementation by the server side, as for domino-rest such method argument will be ignored and skipped.

for example if the have the following resource interface

public interface MoviesService {

    Movie getMovieByName(@QueryParam("name") String movieName, @Context ServerContext context);

then the generated client will be like this

    .onSuccess(movie ->{})

notice how the context param is ignored.

For @Suspended domino-rest will also ignore the method argument, but since this one is used with void response, and this hides the actual response type we there should be a reader defined for such method.