- Actual - determine dimension of a hidden element
- Animate.css - generate css animations
- Animista - css animations
- AOS - animate on scroll
- Glightbox - image and video gallery modal
- JQuery
- Mmenu - mobile menu
- Reset CSS - Resets all the default CSS styles
- Slick - carousel library
- Node.js - JS runtime environment that executes JS code outside the web browser
- Axios - promised based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- Color - color conversion
- CSS Modules
- Embedded JS Templating - templating in JS
- Full Calendar - JS-based calendar API
- Laravel Excel - adds import/export functionality to a laravel project
- Laravel Tinker - allows use of php artisan tinker command in laravel/lumen
- Lumen Vendor Publish - allows use of vendor:publish command in lumen
- Material-UI - React UI Framework
- Method Override - use http verbs like PUT or DELETE in places where the client doesn't support it.
- Mongoose - mongodb object modeling for node.js
- Navaid - a navigation aid (aka router) for the browser
- Nodemon - automatically restarts server when files are changed
- Page - tiny expressed-inspired client-side router
- Query String - parse and stringify URL query strings
- Radium - manage inline css on React elements
- Routify - builds routes for Svelte apps automated by file structure
- Svelte Material UI - material ui components for svelte apps
- Svelte Routing - svelte routing with SSR support
- Svelte SPA Router - router for Svelte
- UUID - generates ids
- Hugo - written in Go Language