- Stopwatch
- Represents the stopwatch timer.
- Has methods to start, stop, and reset the timer.
- Keeps track of the elapsed time.
format_time(seconds: float) -> str
- Formats the given time in seconds into a string representation (HH:MM:SS).
start_stopwatch(stopwatch: Stopwatch)
- Starts or stops the stopwatch based on its current state.
reset_stopwatch(stopwatch: Stopwatch)
- Resets the stopwatch to zero.
- index.html
- Contains the HTML structure of the stopwatch timer.
- Includes the necessary CSS and JavaScript files.
- styles.css
- Defines the styles for the stopwatch timer.
- main.js
- Handles the logic for starting, stopping, and resetting the stopwatch timer.
- Updates the display of the elapsed time.