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A vim9 fuzzy finder plugin with minimal dependency and modern UI


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Repository files navigation


A fuzzy finder for files, strings, help documents and many other things.

It utilizes Vim's native matchfuzzypos function and popup window feature.

Fuzzyy strives to provide an out-of-box experience by using pre-installed programs to handle complex tasks.




  • Vim >= 9.0 (plugin is written in vim9scipt, Vim 9+ required, NeoVim not supported)

Suggested dependencies

  • ripgrep - used for FuzzyGrep and FuzzyFiles if installed, faster than the defaults and respects gitignore
  • vim-devicons - used to show devicons when listing files if installed

Optional dependencies

  • ag - used for FuzzyGrep if ripgrep not installed
  • fd - used for FuzzyFiles if ripgrep not installed
  • git - used for FuzzyGrep and FuzzyFiles when inside git repo and no alternative dependency installed
  • ctags - used to generate tags for FuzzyTags (Universal Ctags implementation is required)


Any plugin manager will work, or you can use Vim's built-in package support:

For vim-plug

Plug 'Donaldttt/fuzzyy'

As Vim package

git clone ~/.vim/pack/Donaldttt/start/fuzzyy


Command Description
FuzzyFiles search files in current working directory (CWD)
FuzzyFilesRoot search files in the project/vcs root directory
FuzzyGrep [str] search for string in CWD, use [str] if provided
FuzzyGrepRoot [str] search for string in the project/vcs root directory
FuzzyBuffers search opened buffers
FuzzyMru search most recent used files
FuzzyMruCwd search most recent used files in CWD
FuzzyMruRoot search most recent used files in project/vcs root
FuzzyInBuffer [str] search for string in buffer, use [str] if provided
FuzzyHelp search subjects/tags in :help documents
FuzzyCommands search commands
FuzzyColors search installed color schemes
FuzzyCmdHistory search command history
FuzzyHighlights search highlight groups
FuzzyTags search tags in tagfiles(), see :h tags
FuzzyTagsRoot search tags in the project/vcs root directory
FuzzyGitFiles search files in output from git ls-files
FuzzyHelps deprecated alias for FuzzyHelp, will be removed
FuzzyMRUFiles deprecated alias for FuzzyMru, will be removed
  • For FuzzyGrep and FuzzyInBuffer, you can define a keymap like this to search the word under cursor.
    nnoremap <leader>fw :FuzzyGrep <C-R><C-W><CR>
  • FuzzyGrep requires one of rg, ag, grep or FINDSTR commands. If neither rg or ag are installed it will also use git-grep when in a git repo.
  • FuzzyFiles requires one of rg, fd, find or powershell commands. If neither rg or fd are installed it will also use git-ls-files when in a git repo.
  • FuzzyTags requires ctags (Universal Ctags) to generate a tags file.


nnoremap <silent> <leader>fb :FuzzyBuffers<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>fc :FuzzyCommands<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>ff :FuzzyFiles<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>fg :FuzzyGrep<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>fh :FuzzyHelp<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>fi :FuzzyInBuffer<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>fm :FuzzyMru<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>fr :FuzzyMruCwd<CR>

You can set g:fuzzyy_enable_mappings = 0 to disable these default mappings.

Fuzzyy will not overwrite mappings from your vimrc when adding default mappings.


  • <CTRL-P> or <Up> moves up by one line in the menu window
  • <CTRL-N> or <Down> moves down by one line in the menu window
  • <CTRL-U> moves up by half a page in the preview window
  • <CTRL-D> moves down by half a page in the preview window
  • <CTRL-I> moves up by one line in the preview window
  • <CTRL-F> moves down by one line in the preview window
  • <CTRL-C> or <ESC> exits Fuzzyy, closing all the windows

You can use g:fuzzyy_keymaps to change these defaults.

Navigation with the mouse is also supported. A single mouse click in the menu window moves the cursor line, double click selects a line. The mouse wheel can be used to scroll the preview window, but not the menu window.

Command specific keymaps

  • FuzzyHighlights

    • <CTRL-K> toggle white preview background color
  • FuzzyMru

    • <CTRL-K> toggle between all MRU files and CWD only
  • FuzzyBuffers, FuzzyFiles, FuzzyGrep, FuzzyInBuffer, FuzzyMru, FuzzyTags

    • <CTRL-S> open selected file in horizontal split
    • <CTRL-V> open selected file in vertical split
    • <CTRL-T> open selected file in new tab page
  • FuzzyBuffers, FuzzyFiles, FuzzyGrep, FuzzyInBuffer, FuzzyMru

    • <CTRL-Q> send results to quickfix list

Send results to quickfix list only includes results currently in the menu buffer, which effectively limits the results to a few hundred at most (this is probably what you want, sending thousands of results to the quickfix list is slow).



Set to 0 to disable default mappings. Default to 1

let g:fuzzyy_enable_mappings = 1


Show devicons when listing files (e.g. FuzzyFiles, FuzzyBuffers). Requires vim-devicons. Default 1 (show devicons if installed), set to 0 to always disable

let g:fuzzyy_devicons = 1


Enable dropdown theme (prompt at top rather than bottom). Default 0

let g:fuzzyy_dropdown = 0


Fuzzyy avoids opening files in windows containing special buffers, like buffers created by file explorer plugins or help and quickfix buffers. Use this to add exceptions, the match is on either buftype or filetype. Default ['netrw'] (Netrw is Vim's built-in file explorer plugin)

let g:fuzzyy_reuse_windows = ['netrw']

Example usage

let g:fuzzyy_reuse_windows = ['netrw', 'bufexplorer', 'mru', 'terminal']


Make FuzzyFiles & FuzzyGrep respect .gitignore. Default 1. Only work when

  1. inside a git repository and git is installed
  2. or either rg or fd is installed for FuzzyFiles
  3. or either rg or ag is installed for FuzzyGrep
let g:fuzzyy_respect_gitignore = 1

This option can also be set specifically for FuzzyFiles and/or FuzzyGrep using g:fuzzyy_files_respect_gitignore and g:fuzzyy_grep_respect_gitignore


Make FuzzyFiles & FuzzyGrep include hidden files. Default 1. Only applied when

  1. rg, fd or PowerShell Get-ChildItem used with FuzzyFiles
  2. rg or ag used with FuzzyGrep
let g:fuzzyy_include_hidden = 1

This option can also be set specifically for FuzzyFiles and/or FuzzyGrep using g:fuzzyy_files_include_hidden and g:fuzzyy_grep_include_hidden


Make FuzzyFiles & FuzzyGrep follow symbolic links. Not applied when using git-ls-files, git-grep or FINDSTR. Default 0

let g:fuzzyy_follow_symlinks = 0

This option can also be set specifically for FuzzyFiles and/or FuzzyGrep using g:fuzzyy_files_follow_symlinks and g:fuzzyy_grep_follow_symlinks


Patterns to find a project root in supported commands, e.g. FuzzyFilesRoot. These commands find a "root" directory to use as the working directory by walking up the direcrory tree looking for any match of these glob patterns. Default is intentionally conservative, using common VCS root markers only.

let g:fuzzyy_root_patterns = ['.git', '.hg', '.svn']

Example usage

let g:fuzzyy_root_patterns = ['.git', 'package.json', 'pyproject.toml']


Make FuzzyFiles, FuzzyGrep, and FuzzyMru always exclude files matching these glob patterns. Applies whether .gitignore is respected or not. Default ['*.swp', 'tags']

let g:fuzzyy_exclude_file = ['*.swp', 'tags']

This option can also be set specifically for FuzzyFiles, FuzzyGrep, and FuzzyMru using g:fuzzyy_files_exclude_file and g:fuzzyy_grep_exclude_file etc.


Make FuzzyFiles, FuzzyGrep, and FuzzyMru always exclude these directories. Applies whether .gitignore is respected or not. Default ['.git', '.hg', '.svn']

let g:fuzzyy_exclude_dir = ['.git', '.hg', '.svn']

This option can also be set specifically for FuzzyFiles, FuzzyGrep, and FuzzyMru using g:fuzzyy_files_exclude_dir and g:fuzzyy_grep_exclude_dir etc.


Add custom ripgrep options for FuzzyFiles & FuzzyGrep. Appended to the generated options. Default []

let g:fuzzyy_ripgrep_options = []

Example usage

let g:fuzzyy_ripgrep_options = [
  \ "--no-config",
  \ "--max-filesize=1M",
  \ "--no-ignore-parent",
  \ "--ignore-file " . expand('~/.ignore')
  \ ]

This option can also be set specifically for FuzzyFiles and/or FuzzyGrep using g:fuzzyy_files_ripgrep_options and g:fuzzyy_grep_ripgrep_options


Specify a custom function for obtaining devicon glyphs from file names or paths. By default Fuzzyy integrates with vim-devicons to obtain glyphs and measure byte widths. You can use this option to obtain devicon glyphs from another nerdfont compatible plugin, or your own custom function. Default ''

let g:fuzzyy_devicons_glyph_func = ''

Example usage

let g:fuzzyy_devicons_glyph_func = 'nerdfont#find'

The function should take a single string argument and return a single glyph.


Specify a custom function for colorizing devicon glyphs. By default Fuzzyy does this with an internal function using a small set of common file name patterns and colors, but you may want more extensive support for file name patterns not recognised by Fuzzyy and to apply the same colors to Fuzzyy as other plugins. Default ''

let g: fuzzyy_devicons_color_func = ''

Example usage

let g: fuzzyy_devicons_color_func = 'glyph_palette#apply'

The function should take no arguments and use matchadd() to add highlighting.


Change navigation keymaps. The following are the defaults

let g:fuzzyy_keymaps = {
  \ 'menu_up': ["\<c-p>", "\<Up>"],
  \ 'menu_down': ["\<c-n>", "\<Down>"],
  \ 'menu_select': ["\<CR>"],
  \ 'preview_up': ["\<c-i>"],
  \ 'preview_down': ["\<c-f>"],
  \ 'preview_up_half_page': ["\<c-u>"],
  \ 'preview_down_half_page': ["\<c-d>"],
  \ 'cursor_begining': ["\<c-a>"],          " move cursor to the begining of the line in the prompt
  \ 'cursor_end': ["\<c-e>"],               " move cursor to the end of the line in the prompt
  \ 'backspace': ["\<bs>"],
  \ 'delete_all': ["\<c-k>"],               " delete whole line of the prompt
  \ 'delete_prefix': [],                    " delete to the start of the line
  \ 'exit': ["\<Esc>", "\<c-c>", "\<c-[>"], " exit fuzzyy
  \ }


FuzzyBuffers will exclude the buffers in this list. Buffers not included in Vim's buffer list are excluded by default, so this is only necessary for buffers included in Vim's buffer list, but you want hidden by FuzzyBuffers. Default []

let g:fuzzyy_buffers_exclude = []


FuzzyBuffer keymap for commands specific to FuzzyBuffers. The following are the defaults

let g:fuzzyy_buffers_keymap = {
  \ 'delete_buffer': "",
  \ 'close_buffer': "\<c-l>",
  \ }


Window layout configuration. The general defaults for window layout options are:

'preview': 1,         " 1 means enable preview window, 0 means disable
'preview_ratio': 0.5, " 0.5 means preview window will take 50% of the layout
'width': 0.8,         " 0.8 means total width of the layout will take 80% of the screen
'height': 0.8,        " 0.8 means total height of the layout will take 80% of the screen
'xoffset': auto       " x offset of the windows, 0.1 means 10% from left of the screen
'yoffset': auto       " x offset of the windows, 0.1 means 10% from top of the screen

This configuration is also customised per selector, with the following defaults:

\ {
\   'files': {},
\   'grep': {},
\   'buffers': {},
\   'mru': {},
\   'tags': {},
\   'highlights': {},
\   'cmdhistory': {
\     'width': 0.6,
\   },
\   'colors': {
\     'width': 0.25,
\     'xoffset': 0.7,
\   },
\     'commands': {
\     'width': 0.4,
\   },
\   help: {
\     preview_ratio': 0.6
\   },
\   'inbuffer': {},
\ }

Values set in g:fuzzyy_window_layout are merged with the defaults above. For example, you can disable preview window for FuzzyFiles and friends with:

let g:fuzzyy_window_layout = { 'files': { 'preview': 0 } }

or you change the width of the preview window for FuzzyColors with:

let g:fuzzyy_window_layout = { 'colors': { 'width': 0.4 } }

preview is ignored by commands that do not support it, e.g. FuzzyCmdHistory
x and y offsets are by default calculated to center the windows on the screen
width, height, and x and y offsets > 0 and < 1 are resolved as percentages
width, height, and x and y offsets >= 1 are fixed numbers of lines and cols
invalid values for preview_ratio, width, height, and x and y offsets are ignored


Fuzzyy mimics async processing to fuzzy match in batches, which avoids problems running Vim's built in fuzzy matching on massive lists at once. The size of these batches is the async step value, which defaults to 10,000. This default should work well for most developer workstations, but you might want to reduce if you notice a lack of responsiveness on low spec machines

let g:fuzzyy_async_step = 10000

Syntax highlighting

It is also possible to modify the colors used for highlighting. The defaults are shown below, you can change them in your vimrc. See :help :highlight if you are unfamiliar with Vim highlighting

highlight default link fuzzyyCursor Search
highlight default link fuzzyyNormal Normal
highlight default link fuzzyyBorder Normal
highlight default link fuzzyyMatching Special
highlight default link fuzzyyPreviewMatch CurSearch