Marvel-Quiz is a small React JS application for beginners. It is part of a large Youtube training videos series at Donkey Geek
To get started, you can clone the project or download it to your machine. There you will find the App.css file as well as some images that you can use in your application (Only for training purpose). II also recorded many videos to show you how to code the whole application step by step. All the videos are available on my Youtube channel at Donkey Geek Don't forget to subscribe, Like and share the videos.
- HTML / css
- JavaScript (ES6 +)
- React JS basics (Check the 2 links below)
- Formation REACT JS pour Débutants
- React HOOKS
- Visual Studio Code - My favorite Source-code editor
- Google Chrome - My favorite web browser
- React JS - The JavaScript framework used
- NPM - The package manager
- create React App - Create React apps with no build configuration
- Firebase - Authentication, databases and hosting
- Marvel API - The world's greatest comics API
- Iconfinder - The search engine for icons
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- React Icons - Popular icons in one package
- React Router Dom - DOM bindings for React Router
- React Stepper Horizontal - Well-designed stepper component for react
- React Toastify - Easy and customizable notifications
- React Tooltip - Easy and customizable tooltips