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Rudy Huyn edited this page Dec 25, 2019 · 1 revision

In addition to all the features to enrich resw files, ReswPlus also provides a command-line tools providing many features.

How to install the command-line tool

The command-line tool is now part of the nuget package ReswPlusLib, in the directory packages/ReswPlusLib.xxxx/Tools/ReswPlusCmd.


Convert from/to Android XML files

This is very unfortunate, but not all localization tools and localization companies support recovery files. This is even more of an issue when you want to support Pluralization, as resw does not support it by default.

Convert from resw to Android XML files

Run the following command: ReswPlusCmd.exe resw-to-xml -i <resw file path> <output file path>

You can also do it directly from VS, simply right click on the resw associated to the default language of your app and select ReswPlus > Export to Android XML format.

Convert from Android XML file(s) to resw

Run the following command: ReswPlusCmd.exe xml-to-resw -i <source path> <output path>

The source path can be:

  • a XML file
  • the output path must be a file path in this case.
  • a directory containing a collection of directories containing your localization files, using the file/folder structure used by Android apps: <root folder>/values-<Language id>/Strings.xml
  • the output path must be a directory in this case.