Stylus mixins, utilities, helpers, ... The main feature is the MQ mixin
@import 'doubleu23-stylus'
font-size mFontSize
font-size tFontSize
font-size dFontSize
width 100%
@extend .wrapper
$ npm install doubleu23-stylus
with connect/express:
var connect = require('connect')
, server = connect()
, stylus = require('stylus')
, doubleu23Stylus = require('doubleu23-stylus')
, options = {
// these are the defaults
envVars: process.env
, envPrefix: '$ENV__'
, imgUrlPrefix: process.env.ROOT_PATH + '/assets' // TBD
, mediaQueries: {
'xs': 'only screen and (min-width: 666px)', // overwrite 'xs'
'custom': 'only screen and (max-width: 555px)' // or define your own
function compile(str, path) {
return stylus(str)
.set('filename', path)
.set('compress', true)
// don't ask! (copied from "nib")
// may be out of date
src: __dirname
, compile: compile
with webpack:
var options = {
// these are the defaults
envVars: process.env
, envPrefix: '$ENV__'
, imgUrlPrefix: process.env.ROOT_PATH + '/assets' // TBD
, doubleu23Stylus = require('doubleu23-stylus')
, stylusLoaderDef = {
loader: 'stylus-loader',
options: {
sourceMap: true,
compress: isDevelopment,
use: [doubleu23Stylus(options)]
, config = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.styl$/,
use: isDevelopment ? [
{ loader: 'style-loader', options: { sourceMap: true } },
{ loader: 'css-loader', options: { sourceMap: true } },
{ loader: 'postcss-loader', options: { sourceMap: true } },
// for production (
: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({
fallback: 'style-loader',
use: ['css-loader', 'postcss-loader', stylusLoaderDef]
To gain access to everything the lib has to offer, simply add:
@import 'doubleu23-stylus'
Or you may also pick only the MQ Vars and Mixins
@import 'doubleu23-stylus/mqs'
// use it on top of selectors
font-size 12px
font-size 14px
font-size 16px
// or use the mixin beetween the properties
font-size 12px
font-size 14px
font-size 16px 50px 10px
margin-right 1px
to avoid duplicate mediaqueries i use 'node-css-mqpacker' in my webpack setup
0.1.1 - ready for Stylus.use() API
0.1.8 - prefixed the vars - $p23_varname
0.2.0 - stable MQ's only import
0.2.1 - injects process.env.NODE_ENV into stylus (global var $ENV__NODE_ENV)
0.2.3 - added assetPath() to use 'process.env.ROOT_PATH' as url-prefix
0.3.0 - doubleu23-stylus now accepts options (envVars, envPrefix, imgUrlPrefix)
removed leftovers + some refactoring
0.3.1 - removed auto-import and pushed doubleu23-stylus into import paths
1.0.0 - BROKEN - breaking changes:
- renamed mq variables ($stylus_mq_{name})
- allows to pass mediaQueries per options (#JavaScript API)
- shows error-div on top of page if an undefined MQ name is used
- ALWAYS (!) injects NODE_ENV (both ways: $ENV__NODE_ENV and {envPrefix + 'NODE_ENV'})
1.0.1 - fixxed: indentation errors (removed tabs)
1.0.2 - fixxed: also show error-div for non-root elements
1.0.3 - always inject $ENV__NODE_ENV !
1.0.4 - BROKEN - added ./normalize.styl for better import path
1.0.5 - BROKEN fixxed identation errors (again 💩 )
1.0.6 - fixxed - removed base mq in ./inc/normalize (will be added back in next versions)
1.0.7 - do NOT push __dirname into paths (double located filenames break build)
1.0.8 - fix error "if no options given" (preset options to {})
1.0.9 - BROKEN fixxed presetting options +++ push __dirname into paths!
1.0.10 - BROKEN removed "set filename"
1.0.11 - BROKEN fixxed undefined options
1.0.12 - BROKEN fixxed undefined options! (:see_no_evil: maybe im drunk :beer:)
1.0.13 - 🐒 fixxed undefined options! ( 💤 should get some sleep! 💤)
1.x.y - TBD: release with new (final) name
- remove broken versions from README?
- rethink/refactor "seperated MQ files" (see oldREADME)
- MQ "base"
- documentation in README (wrap all in MQ, output files, mediaqueried style links, ...)
- remove /inc path
- remove imports in index.styl (just import what you need!)
- ?rename "_reset.styl" to "_preset.styl"?
- extended README
- migration to 1.0.0
- more infos for MQ mixin
- describe file contents of /inc/*
- refactor "imgUrlPrefix"
- change package title
- testing (per ?mocha) if all imports and mixins are working
- testing?
user should be able to overwrite MQ breakpoints (extend options)imports? paths?let user define which process.env vars should be injected + varPrefix
- DoubleU23 (Original Creator)