The first of five(5) certification projects in freeCodeCamp's Responsive Web Design course.
The course/project description from their website is as follows:
This is one of the required projects to earn your certification. For this project you will build a survey form to collect data from your users.
Build a Survey Form Objective: Build an app that is functionally similar to Do not copy this demo project.
User Stories:
- You should have a page title in an h1 element with an id of title
- You should have a short explanation in a p element with an id of description
- You should have a form element with an id of survey-form
- Inside the form element, you are required to enter your name in an input field that has an id of name and a type of text
- Inside the form element, you are required to enter your email in an input field that has an id of email
- If you enter an email that is not formatted correctly, you will see an HTML5 validation error
- Inside the form, you can enter a number in an input field that has an id of number
- The number input should not accept non-numbers, either by preventing you from typing them or by showing an HTML5 validation error (depending on your browser).
- If you enter numbers outside the range of the number input, which are defined by the min and max attributes, you will see an HTML5 validation error
- For the name, email, and number input fields, you can see corresponding label elements in the form, that describe the purpose of each field with the following ids: id="name-label", id="email-label", and id="number-label"
- For the name, email, and number input fields, you can see placeholder text that gives a description or instructions for each field
- Inside the form element, you should have a select dropdown element with an id of dropdown and at least two options to choose from
- Inside the form element, you can select an option from a group of at least two radio buttons that are grouped using the name attribute
- Inside the form element, you can select several fields from a series of checkboxes, each of which must have a value attribute
- Inside the form element, you are presented with a textarea for additional comments
- Inside the form element, you are presented with a button with id of submit to submit all the inputs
- Fulfill the user stories and pass all the tests below to complete this project. Give it your own personal style. Happy Coding!
Note: Be sure to add <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
in your HTML to link your stylesheet and apply your CSS