This repo contains all the dotfiles of the programs I use.
Here's a list of packages (from the standard arch repos and from the AUR as well) that contains (some of) the things that I use:
- Desktop:
- polybar
- picom
- xorg
- xorg-xinit
- xclip
- arandr
- i3-gaps
- rofi
- nitrogen
- libnotify
- dunst
- network-manager-applet
- blugon
- Fonts:
- ttc-iosevka
- iosevka-nerd
- noto-fonts
- noto-fonts-cjk
- noto-fonts-emoji
- Performance (for Turbo Boost):
- turbostat
- cpupower
- cpupower-gui
- Development and other:
- alacritty
- zsh
- base
- base-devel
- git
- ripgrep
- fzf
The plugin manager I use is packer, so that needs to be installed in order to have the plugins work:
git clone --depth 1\
- Make the
script - Configure dunst
- Tmux underline in Neovim