Transport directory. Works with JSON requests. Returns a response to a request to draw routes with an SVG format string. The JSON constructor is implemented using a chain of method calls, obvious errors are at the compilation stage.
1. mkdir TransportCatalogueBuild && cd TransportCatalogueBuild
2. cmake .. (if cmake throws a build error that protobuf could not be found, add the variable -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path to the assembled protobuf files>)
3. cmake --build .
4. Start ./transport_catalogue or transport_catalogue.exe
The program accepts two types of requests "make_base" and "process_requests". With the help of "make_base", the base of the transport directory for base_requests requests is formed and its serialization into a file is carried out. At the request of process_requests, the database is deserialized from the file and used to respond to stat_requests requests.
- Enter "make_base":
"serialization_settings": {
"file": "transport_catalogue.db"
"routing_settings": {
"bus_wait_time": 2,
"bus_velocity": 30
"render_settings": {
"width": 1200,
"height": 500,
"padding": 50,
"stop_radius": 5,
"line_width": 14,
"bus_label_font_size": 20,
"bus_label_offset": [
"stop_label_font_size": 18,
"stop_label_offset": [
"underlayer_color": [
"underlayer_width": 3,
"color_palette": [
"base_requests": [
"type": "Bus",
"name": "14",
"stops": [
"Улица Лизы Чайкиной",
"Ривьерский мост",
"Гостиница Сочи",
"Кубанская улица",
"По требованию",
"Улица Докучаева",
"Улица Лизы Чайкиной"
"is_roundtrip": true
"type": "Bus",
"name": "24",
"stops": [
"Улица Докучаева",
"Параллельная улица",
"Санаторий Родина"
"is_roundtrip": false
"type": "Bus",
"name": "114",
"stops": [
"Морской вокзал",
"Ривьерский мост"
"is_roundtrip": false
"type": "Stop",
"name": "Улица Лизы Чайкиной",
"latitude": 43.590317,
"longitude": 39.746833,
"road_distances": {
"Электросети": 4300,
"Улица Докучаева": 2000
"type": "Stop",
"name": "Морской вокзал",
"latitude": 43.581969,
"longitude": 39.719848,
"road_distances": {
"Ривьерский мост": 850
"type": "Stop",
"name": "Электросети",
"latitude": 43.598701,
"longitude": 39.730623,
"road_distances": {
"Санаторий Родина": 4500,
"Параллельная улица": 1200,
"Ривьерский мост": 1900
"type": "Stop",
"name": "Ривьерский мост",
"latitude": 43.587795,
"longitude": 39.716901,
"road_distances": {
"Морской вокзал": 850,
"Гостиница Сочи": 1740
"type": "Stop",
"name": "Гостиница Сочи",
"latitude": 43.578079,
"longitude": 39.728068,
"road_distances": {
"Кубанская улица": 320
"type": "Stop",
"name": "Кубанская улица",
"latitude": 43.578509,
"longitude": 39.730959,
"road_distances": {
"По требованию": 370
"type": "Stop",
"name": "По требованию",
"latitude": 43.579285,
"longitude": 39.733742,
"road_distances": {
"Улица Докучаева": 600
"type": "Stop",
"name": "Улица Докучаева",
"latitude": 43.585586,
"longitude": 39.733879,
"road_distances": {
"Параллельная улица": 1100
"type": "Stop",
"name": "Параллельная улица",
"latitude": 43.590041,
"longitude": 39.732886,
"road_distances": {}
"type": "Stop",
"name": "Санаторий Родина",
"latitude": 43.601202,
"longitude": 39.715498,
"road_distances": {}
- Enter "process_requests":
"serialization_settings": {
"file": "transport_catalogue.db"
"stat_requests": [
"id": 218563507,
"type": "Bus",
"name": "14"
"id": 508658276,
"type": "Stop",
"name": "Электросети"
"id": 1964680131,
"type": "Route",
"from": "Морской вокзал",
"to": "Параллельная улица"
"id": 1359372752,
"type": "Map"
- C++17
- GCC version 8.1.0
- Protobuf-cpp 3.18.1 (download or install it as a package for linux distribution)
- Cmake 3.21.2 (minimal 3.10)
- Develop a frontend for drawing a map with a route
- Correct JSON output