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DanielN edited this page Oct 1, 2018 · 2 revisions



Variables can be accessed by using the Key-Property in square brackets.


Courage (Key: CR): 12 ➡️ [CR] -> 5


Constants can be accessed by using the name.

eg. pi ➡️ π


Custom Commands

Befehl Funktion
random() Creates a Random Value between 0 and 1
random(*Value1*) Creates a Random Value between 0 und Value1
random(*Value1*, *Value2*) Creates a Random Value between Value1 und Value2

NCalc Commands

Commands Function
Value1+Value2 Adds Value1 and Value2
Value1-Value2 Subtracts Value1 and Value2
Value1*Value2 Multiplies Value1 and Value2
Value1/Value2 Divides Value1 and Value2
Abs(*Value*) Absolute of Value
Sin(*Value*) Sinus of Value
Asin(*Value*) Arcsin of Value
Sinh(*Value*) Calculates sinus hyperbolic of Value
Cos(*Value*) Cosinus of Value
Acos(*Value*) Arccos of Value
Cosh(*Value*) Calculates cosinus hyperbolic of Value
Tan(*Value*) Tangens of Value
Atan(*Value*) Arctan of Value
Tanh(*Value*) Calculates tangens hyperbolic of Value
BigMul(*Value1*,*Value2*) Multiplies two very big numbers
Ceiling(*Value*) Round up Value
Floor(*Value*) Round down Value
Round(*Value*) Round Value by basic rules
Exp(*Value*) e^Value
Log(*Value*) Natural logarithm of Value
Max(*Value1*,*Value2*) Returns the bigger value
Min(*Value1*,*Value2*) Returns the smaller value
Pow(*Base*, *Power*) Base^Power
Sign(*Value*) Returns the sign of the Value (-1,0,1)
Sqrt(*Value*) Calculates the squareroot of Value
Turncate(*Value*) Returns the ineger of Value

More Information: here