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Alchemy NFT API - Demo

License: MIT

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Deployed Heroku Link


A GUI demo-ing the capability of Alchemy's NFT API SDK and endpoints

Table of Contents


This project is hosted on a heroku eco-dyno, when it is not being actively used it requires a bit extra start up time. This can be mitigated by upgrading to the next tier on heroku.

Deployed Heroku Link

If you would like to host a version of it yourself, please follow these instructions:

to install both the client and server side dependencies: npm i

start the server: npm start

to concurrently start server and client react code w/ hotreload: npm run develop

if you are indeed hosting your own version, please ensure that there is a .env file with your Alchemy API Key set up correctly in your project!


To query blockchain data using the Alchemy NFT API / SDK requires the follow params:

You are also able to connect your browser extension wallets that utilizes the EIPS-6963 which helps avoid conflict and improves user experience. See Snippets for code sample


All NFTs owned on multiple Networks

  • wallet address
  • pageKey (optional) gif1

All NFTs from a Contract on specific Network

  • network
  • collection address
  • pageKey (optional) gif2

Singular NFT from a Contract on specific Network

  • network
  • collection address
  • token Id gif3



Within the project, I had set up a useEffect that runs only when mounted to check for available wallet provider from the browser, and update the Providers state:


then another useEffect hook was used to conditionally display the connect button based on the availability of the providers state.

serachParam Context / Provider

To initiate a search, a serachParam Provider was created to handle primary search parameters like addresses / ids, and optional paramters such as pagination keys or spam toggles. This ensures all level of components would have ability to access and refresh our search parameters to initiate a new search:

Provider Setup


Provider Usage Example - Pagination


Express REST api end points + Alchemy API

A useEffect is created to fetch our express server endpoints to utilize Alchemy's NFT Endpoint everytime our searchParam is updated:

client side call


server side api



Additional Spam Filtering

You might notice there might be a discrepency on the toal count # vs the actual returned item. I had filtered the response to ensure there are no malformed or NFTs that were clearly spams on top of Alchemy's own spam filter.



License: MIT


Mari Ma

github linkedin

Icon credit @ Anton Kalashnyk


For any questions, please reach out directly or by creating an issue.


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