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liaocheng edited this page Sep 24, 2012 · 1 revision

We are pleased to announce that the 1.3 version has been released

###The biggest feature in this version is the new plug-in for Flash Pro: It will help you to easily create high quality skeleton animation. Don't hesitate to try it. You will enjoy it.

The other changes of the framework contain:

  1. Support multiple display objects for a single bone
  2. Add the sorting on bones
  3. Minor bugfix


###这个版本中最带的功能变化是这个新的Flash Pro插件 它会帮助你轻松的创作出高品质的骨骼动画。不要迟疑了,赶快试用吧,你会喜欢它的 。


  1. 单个骨骼可以支持多个显示对象
  2. 增加了骨骼的深度排序
  3. 一些小的bug修复