This is my solution for the lab questions of WIA1002 Data Structure, Semester 2, 2020/2021 when I am a First Year student at University of Malaya.
- 01-OOP
- 02-Generics
- 03-ADTs and Bags
- 04-Linked List
- 05-Doubly Linked List
- 06-Stack
- 07-Queue
- 08-Graph
- 09-Recursion
- 10-Searching and Sorting
- 11-Binary Search Tree
- 01-OOP
- 02-Stack
- 03-Recursion
You can fork this repository as a reference for your learning. Please do not just copy the code directly as you will not learn anything. If you found any errors or bugs🐛 in the code, please feel free to raise any issues. Pull requests are always welcome if you want to contribute to this project.